Comparaisons Internationales

  1. Ayçoberry Pierre, La question nazie, les interprétations au national-socialisme, 1992-1975, Paris, Seuil, 1979, 317 p.
  2. Blackbourn David & Eley Geof, The Peculiarities of German history, Bourgeois Society and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Germany, Oxford University Press, 1984, 300 p.
  3. Bodnar John, Immigration and Industrialization, Ethnicity in an American Mill Town, 1870-1940, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1977,213 p.
  4. Bodnar John, The Transplanted, a History of Immigrants In Urban America, Bloomington, Indiana Press University, 1985,294 p.
  5. Davidoff Leonore, The Best Circles, Women and Society in Victorian England, Totawa, New Jersey, Rowman and Littlefield, 1973,127 p.
  6. Gutman Herbert G., Work, Culture and Society in Industrializing America, Essays in American Working-class and social History, New-York, Vintage books, 1977, 343 p.+index
  7. Hanneman Robert A., "Income Inequality and Economie Development in Great Britain, Germany, and France: 1850 to 1970", Comparative Social Research, vol. 3, 1980, p. 175-184.
  8. Hareven Tamara k., Family Time and Industrial Time, The Relationship between the Family and Work in a New England Industrial Community, Cambridge University Press, 1982,474 p.
  9. Houdaille Jacques et Tugault Yves, "Une bourgeoisie peu malthusienne dans un pays neuf : généalogies américaines du XIXe siècle", Population, mars-avril 1987, n° 2, p. 305-320
  10. Ingham John N., "Rags to Riches Revisited : the Effect of City Size and Related Factors on the Recruitment of Business Leaders", The Journal of American History, 1976, p. 615-637
  11. Ingham John N., "Rags to Riches Revisited: the Effect of City Size and Related Factors on the Recruitment of Business Leaders", The Journal of American History, Vol. LXIII, n° 3, Décembre 1976, p. 615-637.
  12. Kaelble Hartmut, Industrialization and social inequality in the 19th-century Europe, New York, St Martin's Press, 1986, 216 p. [traduction française]
  13. Katz Michael B., Doucet Michael J., Stern Mark J., The Social Organization of Early Industrial Capitalism, Harvard University Press, 1982,444 p.
  14. Katznelson Ira, Zolberg Aristide R. (sous la direction), Working Class Formation, Nineteenth Century Patterns in Western Europe and the United States, Princeton University Press, 1986,470 p.
  15. Keil Harmut & Jentz John B. (ed), German Workors in industral Chicago, Dekalb, Northern Illinois University Press, 1983,252 p.
  16. Lévy-Leboyer Maurice et al., Le patronat de la seconde Industrialisation, Paris, Editions ouvrières, 1979,322 p.
  17. Mosier Richard D., Making the American Mind, Social and Moral Ideas in the McGutfey Readers, New-York, Russell & Russell. 1965,208 p.
  18. Scharnhorst Gary, Horatio Alger, Jr., Boston, Twayne publishers, 1980,170 p.
  19. Shorter Edward, Naissance de la famille modern, Seuil, 1977.382 p.
  20. Thompson E.P., The Making of the English working class, New-York,Vintage Books, 1966 (1ère ed. 1963), 849 p. [traduction française]
  21. Westerhoff John H., McGuffey and his Readers, Piety, morality and Education in Nineteenth-century America, Nashville, Abingdon, 1978,206 p
  22. Wyllie Irwin G., The Self-made Man in America, the Myth of Rags to Riches,
  23. New-Brunswick, Rutgers university Press, 1954, 210 p.