The Institute of Global Environment, an organization under the United Nation, presents a report annually about the number of various kinds of animals in the world. Based on this report, the United Nation monitors the change of the global environment. Imagine that you belong to a panel of experts to help the institute preparing the report. In the section for insects, you want to include all kinds of insects in the report, but not other kinds of animals, which would be covered in other sections. Because the report will have major scientific value, a clear categorization of insects will thus ensure a good estimation of environmental change.

Consider each of the following items, and decide whether acting in the panel of experts, you would classify the item in the category of insects.

Circle ’Y’ if you think the item should be included in the category.

Circle ’N’ if you think the item should not be included in the category.

Circle ’Ø’ if you don’t know the meaning of the word.

You have to choose between ’Y’ and ’N’ even if you find it difficult to decide.

Circle ’Ø’ only when you don’t know the meaning of the word.