The National Foundation for Academic Development supports research in various kinds of activities, and funds thousands of research projects each year all over the country. The Foundation has many departments, dealing with applications for different kinds of activities. One of the them is the department of sciences, which funds only research in the sciences, but not other kinds of activities, which is covered under other departments. Therefore, it is important to categorize disciplines clearly, so that researchers have a clear idea from which department they should apply for funding. Imagine that you are an official of the foundation, and you are writing a guideline to instruct researchers where and how to apply for research funds, so that the funds are distributed appropriately.

Consider each of the following items, and decide whether acting as an official of the foundation, you would classify the item in the category of sciences.

Circle ’Y’ if you think the item should be included in the category.

Circle ’N’ if you think the item should not be included in the category.

Circle ’Ø’ if you don’t know the meaning of the word.

You have to choose between ’Y’ and ’N’ even if you find it difficult to decide.

Circle ’Ø’ only when you don’t know the meaning of the word.