Saks Fifth Avenue, which is a department store, is designing a sorting system to list the selling items, their prices and quantities in the store. Marketing persons in the store can quickly obtain information about these items by using such a system. Imagine that you work for the department store to develop the sorting system. You have to categorize selling items under different headings, such that marketing persons can search information easily and quickly. The following is a list of items from the department store. You have to decide whether or not they should be included in the category of furniture, , such that most marketing persons would be able to find things under the expected category name.

Circle ’Y’ if you think the item should be listed in the category.

Circle ’N’ if you think the item should not be listed in the category.

Circle ’Ø’ if you don’t know the meaning of the word.

You have to choose between ’Y’ and ’N’ even if you find it difficult to decide.

Circle ’Ø’ only when you don’t know the meaning of the word.