Le fouriérisme américain

Etudes générales

  1. (1972), Cooperative communities. Plans and descriptions ; eleven pamphlets, 1825-1847, New York, Arno Press, coll. ’British labour struggles : contemporary pamphlets 1727-1850’
  2. BERNERI Marie-Louise (1950), Journey through Utopia, Londres, Routledge & Paul, 1950, 339 pages, bibl.
  3. BESTOR Arthur Eugene (1938), American phalanxes. A study of fourierist socialism in the United States, Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University
  4. BESTOR Arthur Eugene (1947), ’A. Brisbane, propagandist for socialism in the 1840’s’, New York History, avril 1947
  5. BESTOR Arthur Eugene (1950), Backwoods utopias. The sectarian and owenist phases of communitarian socialism in America, 1663-1829, Philadelphie, University of Pennsylvania Press, 288 pages
  6. BISHOP Claire Hutchet (1950), All things common, New York, Harper, 274 pages, illus., cartes
  7. BRISBANE Redelia (1893), Albert Brisbane. A mental biography ; with a character study by his wife Redelia Brisbane, Boston, Arena Publication Co., 377 pages
  8. BUCHS M. (1948), Le fouriérisme aux Etats-Unis. Contribution à l’étude du socialisme américain, Thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris, Paris
  9. CALVERT George H. (1856), Introduction to social science, New York, J. S. Redfield
  10. CLERMONT Guy (1993), ’Les Etats-Unis vus par la presse fouriériste française, 1867-1922’, Cahiers Charles Fourier, n° 4, juin 1993, pp. 143-151
  11. CREAGH Ronald (1983), Les communautés libertaires aux Etats-Unis, Paris, Payot, coll. ’Critique de la politique’
  12. CROSSLEY E. C. D. (1977), ’Quelques aspects de l’américanisme romantique’, Nineteenth-Century French Studies, vol. VI, n° 1 & 2, automne-hiver 1977, pp. 82-93
  13. DARE Philip N. (1990), American communes to 1860. Bibliography, New York, Garland, coll. ’Sects and cults in America. Bibliographical guides’, 203 pages
  14. DELANO Sterling F. (1983), The Harbinger and New England transcentalism. A portrait of associationism in America, Rutherford (New Jersey), Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 217 pages, bibl.
  15. DESROCHE Henri (1978), ’L’utopisme euro-américain et ses pratiques migratoires (XVIIème-XIXème siècles)’, Tiers Monde, juillet-septembre 1978
  16. EATON J. W., KATZ S. M. (1942), Research guide on cooperative group farming, New York, Wilson Cy, complété par A. Gladstone, cf. Cooperative living
  17. EGBERT Donald Drew, PARSONS S. (1952), Socialism and american life, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 132-137 pages, 2 vol.
  18. FELLMAN Michael (1973), The unbounded frame. Freedom and community in Nineteenth Century American utopianism, Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press
  19. FOGARTY Robert S. (1980), Dictionary of American communal and utopian history, Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 271 pages, bibl., index
  20. FOGARTY Robert S. (1990), All things new. American communes and utopian movements, 1860-1914, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 286 pages
  21. FOGARTY Robert S. (compiled by) (1972), American utopianism, Itasca, Illinois, F. E. Peacock, coll. ’Primary sources in American history’, 180 pages, bibl.
  22. GEORGE Henry (1871), Our land and land policy, San Francisco
  23. GEORGE Henry (1887), Progrès et pauvreté. Enquête sur les causes des crises industrielles et de l’accroissement de la misère au milieu de l’accroissement de la richesse. Le remède, 1ère éd. 1879
  24. GEORGE Henry Jr (1900), The life of Henry George, New York, Doubleday
  25. GODWIN Parke, Life of Charles Fourier
  26. GODWIN Parke (1843), Democracy constructive and pacific, New York, J. Winchester, 1ère éd. 1982
  27. GODWIN Parke (1844), A popular view of the doctrine of Charles Fourier, New York, J. S. Redfield, 120 pages
  28. GROSRICHARD Yves (1858), L’Amérique insolite, Paris, Gallimard, coll. ’NRF’
  29. GRUZINSKI Serge, WACHTEL Nathan (dir.) (1996), Le Nouveau Monde. Mondes nouveaux. L’expérience américaine, Actes du colloque organisé par le CERMACA (EHESS-CNRS), Paris, 2-4 juin 1992, Paris, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Ed. Recherche sur les civilisations, 748 + XII pages
  30. GUARNERI Carl J. (1985), ’The Fourierist Movement in America’, Communities, n° 68, hiver 1985, pp. 50-54
  31. GUARNERI Carl J. (1990), The utopian alternative. Fourierism in Nineteenth century America, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 525 pages
  32. GUARNERI Carl J. (1992), ’L’utopie et la ’deuxième révolution américaine’. Le mouvement fouriériste aux Etats-Unis, 1840-1860’, Cahiers Charles Fourier, n° 3, pp. 36-54
  33. HAYDEN Dolores (1976), Seven american utopias. The architecture of communatarian socialism 1790-1975, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 401 pages, Index, Bibl.
  34. HILLQUIT Morris (1903), History of Socialism in the United States, New York, Funk and Wagnalls
  35. HINDS William Alfred (1961), American communities, New York, Corinth Books, coll. ’The American experience series’, 1ère éd. 1878, 175 pages, introd. Henry Bramford Parkes
  36. HOLLOWAY Mark (1951), Heavens on earth. Utopian communities in America, 1680-1880, Londres, Turnstile Press, 240 pages, bibl., illus., carte
  37. HOLYOAKE G. J. (1890), Histoire des équitable pionniers de Rochdale de George Jacob Holyoake. Résumé extrait et traduit de l’anglais par Mme Veuve godin, née Marie Moret, Paris, Bibliothèque de l’émancipation, Librairie du Familistère, 111 pages
  38. HOWLAND Marie (1975), The familistère. A novel, Philadelphia, Porcupine Press
  39. McCORD William Maxwell (1989), Voyages to Utopia. From monastery to commune, the search for the perfect society in modern times, New York, Norton, 381 pages, bibl., index
  40. M’LAREN Donald C. (1844), Boa constrictor. Fourier association slef-exposed as to its principles and aims, Rochester, N.Y., Canfield & Warren
  41. MUNCY Raymond Lee (1973), Sex and marriage in utopian communities, 19th century, America, Londres, Bloomington, 275 pages
  42. NORDHOFF Charles (1875), The communistic societies of the United States. From personal visit and observation : including detailed accounts of the Economists, Zoarites, Shakers, the Amana, Oneida, Bethel, Aurora, Icarian, and other existing societies ; their religious creeds, social practices, numbers, industries, and present condition, New York, Harper and Brother, bibl., rééd. Hillary House Publishers, 439 p.
  43. NOYES John H. (1870), History of American socialisms, Londres, Philadelphie, J. B. Lippincott, 678 pages
  44. OVED Iaacov (1988), Two hundred years of American communes, New Brunswick, N.J., Transaction Books, 500 pages, index
  45. PARRINGTON Vernon Louis (1927), ’The Romantic Revolution in America, 1800-1860’, Main Currents in American Thought
  46. REMOND René (1962), Les Etats-Unis devant l’opinion française 1815-1852, Paris, Armand Colin
  47. RIESMAN O. (1947), ’Some observations on community plans and utopias’, Yale law journal, décembre 1947
  48. SCHRODER J. P. (1844), The system of association, by Charles Fourier, attested by nature and revelation, Cincinnzti, Ohio
  49. SPANN Edward K. (1989), Brotherly tomorrows. Movements for a cooperative society in America, 1820-1920, New York, Columbia University Press, 354 pages, bibl., index
  50. WALTER R. (1978), American reformers, 1815-1860, New York, Hill & Wang
  51. WARE Norman J. (1924), The industrial worker, 1840-1860. The Reaction of American Industrial Society to the Advance of the Industrial Revolution, Boston, Houghton Mifflin
  52. WEBBER Everett (1959), Escape to Utopia. The communal movement in America, New York, Hastings House Publishers, coll. ’American procession series’, 444 pages, bibl.