Across States

States differ in their levels of output, capital and labor inputs. By the same token, they differ in their levels, shares and ratios of information technology. More than half of the total IT capital stock is located in only eight states: California, New York, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Ohio (Figure 2.9). California has the highest ranking by far, owning 13% of total IT capital stock of the United States in 1997, followed by New York with 9% and Texas with 8%. However, it is only the eighth most IT intensive state with an IT ratio of 9%, behind Washington D.C. (13%) and New York (11%). IT ratios vary between less than 4% and more than 13% as shown in Figure 2.10, but the dispersion is less important than the dispersion of their absolute and relative levels of IT capital.

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Figure 2.9Distribution of IT Capital Stock Across States in 1987
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Figure 2.10Ratios of IT Capital Stock to Total Capital (IT Ratios) by State in 1987