1. Billouet Pierre (éditeur), Critique de la raison pratique ( les principes) Kant, Paris, ellipses, 1999, 63 p.
  2. BOURGEOIS Bernard, Hegel, Paris, ellipses, 1998, 63 p.
  3. BRAUD Philippe, Science politique, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1997, tome I, La démocratie, 239 p., tome II, L’État, 248 p.
  4. CHRÉTIEN Maurice dir., Libéraux et anti-libéraux, Paris, Economica, 1994, 154 p.
  5. COLLINI Stephan, WINCH Donald, BURROW John, That Noble Science of Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983, 385 p.
  6. COLLINI Stephan, Public Moralists (Political Thought and Intellectual Life in Britain 1850-1830) Oxford, Oxford University Press,1991, 383 p.
  7. DUMONT Louis, Essais sur l’individualisme (Une perspective anthropologique sur l’idéologie moderne), Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1983, 268 p.
  8. ECCLESHALL Robert, British Liberalism, (Liberal Thought from the 1640s to the 1980s), Harlow, Longman Group, 1986, 255 p.
  9. FRANCIS Mark, MORROW John, A History of English Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century, London, Duckworth, 1994, 336 p.
  10. GRAY John, Liberalism (Second Edition), Buckingham, Open University Press, (1986), 2e éd 1995, 113 p.
  11. GRAY John, Two Faces of Liberalism, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2000, 161 p.
  12. GRAY John dir., SMITH G. W. dir., J. S. MILL On Liberty in focus , London, Routledge, 1991, 286 p.
  13. GREEN T. H., Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation, (1888), Kitchener (Ontario, Canada), Batoche Books, 1999, 191 p.
  14. GREENLEAF W.H., The British Political Tradition, Cambridge, Routledge, tome I, The Rise of Collectivism, (1983), 1988, 336p ; tome II, The Ideological Heritage, (1983), 1988, 579 p.
  15. HARRISON Brian, The Transformation of British Politics 1860-1995, Oxford, Oxford University Press 1996, 618 p.
  16. INFANTINO Lorenzo, Individualism in Modern Thought, (From Adam Smith to Hayek), London, Routledge, 1998, 230 p.
  17. KAHN Pierre, Le Positivisme, Paris, Éditions Quintette, 1996, 72 p.
  18. MOREAU Pierre-François, Les Racines du libéralisme. Une anthologie, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1978, 184 p.
  19. SCRUTON Roger, A Dictionary of Political Thought, London ; Pan Books, (1982), 1983, 499 p.
  20. VITOUX Pierre, Histoire des idées en Grande-Bretagne, Paris, ellipses, 1999, 315 p.