III. Etudes littéraires

1. Théorie de la littérature

  1. Atkins, G. Douglas. "Going Against the Grain: Deconstruction and the Scriblerians." The Scriblerians and the Kit-Cats 17 (1985): 113-117.
  2. Barthes, Roland. "La Mort de l’auteur." (1968). Le Bruissement de la langue. Paris: Le Seuil, 1984. 61-67
  3. Barthes, Roland. Le Degré zéro de l’écriture. Paris: Le Seuil, 1953. 127 pp.
  4. Blanchot, Maurice. L’Espace littéraire. Paris: Gallimard, 1955. 376 pp.
  5. Bogel, Frederic V. "Irony, Inference, and Critical Uncertainty." Yale Review 69 (1980): 503‑519.
  6. Brown, Marshall. "Deconstruction and Enlightenment." The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 28 (1987): 259-263.
  7. Cohen, Murray. "Eighteenth-Century and Literature and Modern Critical Methodologies." The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 20, 1 (1979) 5-23.
  8. Cohen, Ralph. "On the Interrelations of Eighteenth-Century Literary Forms." In Philip Harth ed., New Approaches to Eighteenth-Century Literature: Selected Papers from the English Institute (New York and London: Columbia UP, 1974).
  9. Couturier, Maurice. La Figure de l’auteur. Paris: Le Seuil, 1995. 262 pp.
  10. Ehrenpreis, Irvin. "Meaning: Implicit and Explicit." New Approaches to Eighteenth-Century Literature: Selected Papers from the English Institute. Ed. Philip Harth. New York and London: Columbia UP, 1974.
  11. Elliott, Robert C. The Literary Persona. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1982. xiv + 174 pp.
  12. Foucault, Michel. "Qu’est-ce qu’un auteur ?" (1969). In Dits et Ecrits, vol. 1. Paris: Gallimard, 1994.
  13. Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of Criticism. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1957. 384 pp.
  14. Genette, Gérard. Figures I. Paris: Le Seuil, 1966. 267 pp.
  15. Genette, Gérard. Figures II. Paris: Le Seuil, 1969. 293 pp.
  16. Genette, Gérard. Figures III. Paris: Le Seuil, 1972. 285 pp.
  17. Genette, Gérard. "Genres, ‘types’, modes." Poétique 32 (1977): 389-421.
  18. Harth, Philip. "The New Criticism and Eighteenth-Century Poetry." Critical Inquiry 7 (1981). 521-537.
  19. Kropf, Carl R. "Unity and the Study of Eighteenth Century Literature." The Eighteenth Century 21.1 (1980): 25-40.
  20. Kropf, Carl R. Reader Entrapment in Eighteenth-Century Literature. Georgia State Literary Studies 8. New York: AMS, 1992. xvii + 267 pp.
  21. Patterson, Annabel. "Intention." Critical Terms for Literary Study. Eds. Lentricchia, Frank and Thomas McLaughlin. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1990. 135-146.
  22. Picard, Michel. La lecture comme jeu. Paris: Les Editions de Minuit. 1986. 320pp.
  23. Rader, Ralph W. "The Concept of Genre and Eighteenth-Century Studies." In Philip Harth ed., New Approaches to Eighteenth-Century Literature: Selected Papers from the English Institute (New York and Londond: Columbia UP, 1974).
  24. Vieth, David M. "Entrapment in Restoration and Early Eighteenth-Century English Literature." Papers on Language and Literature 18(1982).
  25. Weinbrot, Howard D. " Recent Studies in Restoration and Eighteenth Century." SEL 25 (1985): 671-710.
  26. Zimmerman, Everett. "Tristram Shandy and Narrative Representation." The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 28 (1987): 127-147.