3. Théorie de la persona

  1. "The Concept of the Persona in Satire: A Symposium." Satire Newsletter 3. 2 (Spring 1966): 89-162.
  2. Bony, Alain. "Non, la figure de l’auteur n’est pas une figure imposée." Cycnos 14, 2 (1997): 15-30.
  3. Ehrenpreis, Irvin. "Personae." Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature: Essays in Honor of Alan Dungald McKillop. Ed. Camden. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1963. 25-37.
  4. Elliott, Robert C. The Literary Persona. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1982. xiv + 174 pp.
  5. Harth, Philip. "The New Criticism and Eighteenth-Century Poetry." Critical Inquiry 7 (1981): 521-537.
  6. Olson, Elder. "Rhetoric and the Appreciation of Pope." Modern Philology 37 (1939‑40): 13‑35.
  7. Quintana, Roberto. "Situational Satire: A Commentary on the Method of Swift." University of Toronto Quarterly 17 (1947-48).
  8. Rubin, Louis D. The Teller in the Tale. London and Seattle: U of Washington P, 1967. x + 228 pp.
  9. Rudd, Niall. "Theory: Sincerity and Mask." In Niall Rudd ed., Lines of Enquiry: Studies in Latin Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1976. 145-181.
  10. Smith, Frederick N. "Vexing Voices: The Telling of Gulliver’s Story." Papers on Language and Literature 21. 4 (1985): 383-398.
  11. Stout, Gardner D., Jr. "Speaker and Satiric Vision in Swift’s Tale of a Tub." ECS 3 (Winter 1969): 175-199.
  12. Warren, Austin. "The Mask of Pope." Sewanee Rewiew 54 (1946).
  13. Weinbrot, Howard D. "Masked Men and Satire and Pope." ECS 16. 3 (Spring 1983): 265‑289.