3. Swift et la religion

  1. Baker, Frank. "Jonathan Swift and the Wesleys." The London Quarterly and Holborn Review 179 (October1954): 290-300.
  2. Barnett, Louise K. "Swift and Religion: Notes Toward a Psychoanalytic Interpretation." Eighteenth Century Ireland 3 (1988): 31-40.
  3. Beaumont, Charles Allen. Swift’s Use of the Bible. Athens, Georgia: U of Georgia P, 1968. vii + 68 pp.
  4. Beckett, J.C. "Swift as Ecclesiastical Statesman." In Fair Liberty Was All his Cry: A Tercentenary Tribute to Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745. Ed. A. Norman Jeffares. London: Macmillan, 1967. 146-165.
  5. Bennett, H.R. "Jonathan Swift, Priest." Anglican Theological Review 34 (1957): 131-139.
  6. Bregy, Catherine. "The Enigma of Dean Swift." Catholic World 112 (October 1920): 52-59.
  7. Brown, James. "Swift as Moralist." Philological Quarterly 22 (1952-53): 368-375.
  8. Cline, Dorothy Peake. The Word Abused: Problematic Religious Language in Selected Prose Works of Swift, Wesley, and Johnson. Unpub. PhD. University of Delaware, 1991. iv + 407 pp.
  9. Conlon, Michael J. “Swift and Anglican Rationalism: A Retrospective View.” Swift Studies 14 (1999): 13-20.
  10. Dark, Sidney. "Jonathan Swift." Five Deans: John Colet, John Donne, Jonathan Swift, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, William Ralph Inge (1928). London: J. Cape, 1931. 109‑153.
  11. Darnall, F.M. "Swift’s Religion." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 30 (July 1931): 379-382.
  12. Darnall, F.M. "Swift’s Belief in Immortality." Modern Language Notes 47 (1932): 448-451.
  13. Daw, C.P. "Swift’s Favorite Books of the Bible." The Huntington Library Quarterly 48.3 (Summer 1980): 201-212.
  14. DePorte, Michael. "The Road to St. Patrick’s: Swift and the Problem of Belief." Swift Studies 8 (1993): 150-174.
  15. DePorte, Michael. "Swift, God, and Power." In Walking Naboth’s Vineyard. New Studies of Swift. Ed. Christopher Fox and Brenda Tooley. Notre Dame, Indiana: U of Notre Dame P, 1995. 73-97.
  16. Dobree, Bonamy. "The Jocose Dean." In Fair Liberty Was All his Cry: a Tercentenary Tribute to Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745. Ed. A. Norman Jeffares. London: Macmillan, 1967. 42-61.
  17. Eilon, Daniel. "Swift Burning the Library of Babel." Modern Language Review 80.2 (April 1985): 269-282.
  18. Escott, T.H.S. "Jonathan Swift in Pulpit and Press." London Quarterly Review 114 (July 1910): 39-57.
  19. Falle, George. "Divinity and Wit: Swift’s Attempted Reconciliation." University of Toronto Quarterly 46.1 (1976): 14-30.
  20. Firth, C. "Dean Swift and Ecclesiastical Preferment." Review of English Studies 2 (1926): 1‑17.
  21. Foley, Louis. "The Sermons on the Trinity." American Church Monthly (June 1928): 302‑313.
  22. Gimblett, Charles. "The great Dean and the young Preacher." The London Quarterly and Holborn Review 170 (April 1945): 160-162.
  23. Graustein, Gottfried. "Jonathan Swift’s Sermonic Pamphleteering – Some Textlinguistic Aspects." Sprachtransfer-Kulturtransfer: Text, Kontext und Translation. Ed. Nikolaï Salnikow. Berne: Peter Lang, 1995. 199-215.
  24. Hall, Basil. "‘An inverted Hypocrite’: Swift the Churchman." The World of Jonathan Swift. Essays for the Tercentenary. Ed. Brian Vickers. Oxford: Blackwell, 1968. 37-68.
  25. Hamilton, G.F. "Dean Swift as a Churchman." Irish Church Quarterly 10 (July 1917): 161‑176.
  26. Holloway, John. "Dean of St. Patrick’s: A View From the Letters." In The World of Jonathan Swift. Ed. Brian Vickers. Oxford: Blackwell, 1968. 258-268.
  27. Jackson, Robert Wyse. Jonathan Swift, Dean and Pastor. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1939. viii + 185 pp.
  28. Jourdan, G. V. "The Religion of Jonathan Swift." Church Quarterly Review 126 (July 1938): 269-286.
  29. Korns, Max. Die Weltanschauung Jonathan Swift. Jena: Verlag der Frommannschen Buchhandlung, 1935. 143 pp.
  30. Landa, Louis. "Jonathan Swift and Charity." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 44 (1945): 337-350.
  31. Landa, Louis. "Jonathan Swift: ‘Not the Gravest of Divines’." Jonathan Swift, 1667-1967. A Dublin Tercentenary Tribute. Eds. Roger McHugh and Philip Edwards. Dublin: Dolmen Press, 1967. 38-60.
  32. Landa, Louis. "Swift, the Mysteries, and Deism." University of Texas Studies in English (1944): 239-256.
  33. Landa, Louis. Swift and the Church of Ireland. Oxford: Clarendon, 1954. xii + 206 pp.
  34. Looten, C. (Chanoine). La pensée religieuse de Swift et ses Antinomies. Paris, Lille: Desclée de Brouwer, 1935. 208 pp.
  35. Lund, Roger D. "Swift’s Sermons, ‘Public Conscience,’ and the Privatization of Religion." Prose Studies 18.3 (1995): 150-174.
  36. Montag, Warren. The Unthinkable Swift. The Spontaneous Philosophy of a Church of England Man. London, New York: Verso, 1994. viii + 174 pp.
  37. Murray, Patrick. "Swift: The Sceptical Conformist." Studies (Dublin: Talbot Press) 58 (1969): 357-367.
  38. Nash, Richard Timothy. ‘Rationis Capax’: Belief and Identity in Pope and Swift. Unpub. PhD. Atlanta: University of Virginia, 1986. 349 pp.
  39. Perkin, J. Russel. "Religion, Language, and Society: Swift’s Anglican Writings." English Studies in Canada 15 (1989): 21-34.
  40. Pinkus, Philip. "Sin and Satire in Swift." Bucknell Review 13.2 (1965): 11-25.
  41. Reimers, Hans. Jonathan Swift: Gedanken und Schriften über Religion und Kirche. Hamburg: Friederischen, de Gruyter & Co, 1935. 194 pp.
  42. Rogers, Pat. "Literary and Biblical Allusions in Swift’s Correspondence." Notes and Queries 239 (June 1994): 194-196.
  43. Shankman, Steven. "Reason and Revelation in the Pre-Enlightenment: Eric Voegelin’s Analysis and the Case of Swift." Religion and Literature 16.2 (1984): 1-24.
  44. Sharrock, Catherine Jane. The Rhetoric of Repression: Jonathan Swift and the Expression of Religious Dissent. Unpub PhD. London: King’s College, 1991. 335 pp.
  45. Steele, Peter. Jonathan Swift: Preacher and Jester. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978. 252 pp.
  46. Tuveson, Ernest. "The Dean as Satirist." University of Toronto Quarterly 27.4 (July 1953): 368-375.
  47. Winnett, Arthur Robert. Jonathan Swift, Churchman. Farnham, Surrey: Moor Park College, 1968. 16 pp.
  48. Yunck, John A. "The Sceptical Faith of Jonathan Swift." The Personalist (Los Angeles: University of Southern California) 42 (1961): 533-554.