5. Les œuvres

a. A Tale of a Tub

  1. Adams, Robert M. "The Mood of the Church and A Tale of a Tub." In England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century: Essays on Culture and Society. Ed. H. T. Swedenberg, Jr. Berkeley: U of California P, 1972. 71-99.
  2. Atkins, G. Douglas. "Interpretation and Meaning in A Tale of a Tub." Essays in Literature 8.2 (1981): 233-239.
  3. Bywaters, David. "Anticlericalism in Swift’s Tale of a Tub." Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 36.3 (1996): 579-602.
  4. Clark, John R. "The Coats in Section II of Swift’s Tale of a Tub." Notes and Queries 239 (June 1994): 193-194.
  5. Clark, John R. Form and Frenzy in Swift’s Tale of a Tub. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1970. xv + 237 pp.
  6. Connery, Brian. "The Persona as Pretender and the Reader as Constitutional Subject in Swift’s Tale of a Tub." In Cutting Edges: Post-Modern Critical Essays on Eighteenth Century Satire. Ed. James E. Gill. Tennessee Studies in Literature Vol. 37 Knoxville: The U of Tennessee P, 1995.
  7. Craven, Kenneth. The Millenium of Madness: The Information Age in Swift’s Tale of a Tub. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1992. xii + 238 pp.
  8. Elliott, Robert C. "Swift’s A Tale of a Tub: An Essay in Problems of Structure." PMLA 46 (1951): 441-455.
  9. Griffin, Dustin. "Interpretation and Power: Swift’s A Tale of a Tub." The Eighteenth Century 34 (1993).
  10. Harth, Philip. Swift and Anglican Rationalism: The Religious Background of A Tale of a Tub. Chicago, London: U of Chicago P, 1961. 171 pp.
  11. Harth, Philip. "Recent Religious History and A Tale of a Tub." Swift Studies 14 (1999): 29‑36.
  12. Kelling, Harold D. "Reason in Madness: A Tale of a Tub." PMLA 69 (1954): 198-222.
  13. Kelly, Veronica. "Following the Stage-Itinerant: Perception, Doubt, and Death in Swift’s Tale of a Tub." SECC 17 (1987): 239-258.
  14. Levine, Jay Arnold. "The Design of A Tale of a Tub (With a Digression on a Mad Modern Critic)." English Literary History 33. 1 (March 1966):198-227.
  15. Lund, Roger D. "Strange Complicities: Atheism and Conspiracy in A Tale of a Tub." Eighteenth Century Life 13.3 (1989): 34-58.
  16. Lund, Roger D. "A Tale of a Tub, Swift’s Apology and the Trammels of Christian Wit." In Augustan Subjects: Essays in Honor of Martin Battestin. Ed. Albert J. Rivero. Newark and London: Newark UP, 1997. 87-109.
  17. Nash, Richard. "Entrapment and Ironic Modes in A Tale of a Tub." Eighteenth Century Studies 24.4 (Summer 1991): 415-431.
  18. Palmeri, Frank A. "’To Write Upon Nothing’: Narrative Satire and Swift’s A Tale of a Tub." Genre 18 (Summer 1985): 151-172.
  19. Parlato, Paul C. Vesture in Anglican Tradition: A Frame of Reference for Swift’s Tale ofa Tub. Unpub. PhD, University of Notre Dame, 1971. 191 pp.
  20. Paulson, Ronald. Theme and Structure in Swift’s Tale of a Tub. New Haven: Yale UP, 1960. xiv + 259 pp.
  21. Pinkus, Philip. Swift’s Vision of Evil. A Comparative Study of A Tale of a Tub and Gulliver’s Travels. English Language Studies Monograph Series Nrs. 3 & 4. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria, 1975.
  22. Pons, Emile. Swift: les années de jeunesse et le Conte du Tonneau. Strasbourg: Publications de la Faculté des Lettres, 26. 1925. xii + 410 pp.
  23. Quintana, Ricardo. "Emile Pons and the Modern Study of Swift’s Tale of a Tub." Etudes Anglaises 18 (1965): 5-17.
  24. Smith, Frederick N. Language and Reality in Swift’s Tale of a Tub. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1979. 172 pp.
  25. Starkman, Miriam Kosh. Swift’s Satire on Learning in A Tale of a Tub. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1950. xix + 159 pp.
  26. Stout, Gardner D., Jr. "Speaker and Satiric Vision in Swift’s Tale of a Tub." ECS 3 (1969): 175-199.
  27. Thorson, James L. "Swift: The New Tradition." 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era 4 (1998): 199-204.
  28. Traugott, John. "A Tale of a Tub." Modern Essays on Eighteenth-Century Literature. Ed. Leopold Damrosch. New York: Oxford UP, 1988. 3-45.
  29. Walsh, Marcus. "Text, ‘Text’, and Swift’s A Tale of a Tub." Modern Language Review 85. 2 (April 1990): 290-303.