c. Autres œuvres étudiées

  1. Davis, Lloyd. "Reading Irony: Dialogism in A Modest Proposal." Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 77 (May 1992): 32-55.
  2. Ellis, Frank H. "An Argument against Abolishing Christianity as an Argument against Abolishing the Test Act." In Reading Swift: Papers from The Second Münster Symposium on Swift. Eds. Richard H. Rodino & Hermann J. Real. Munich: Wilhelm fink Verlag, 1993. 127-139.
  3. Ellis, Frank H. "‘A Quill Worn to the Pith in the Service of the State’: Swift’s Examiner." In Proceedings of he First Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift. Eds. Richard H. Rodino & Hermann J. Real. Munich: Wilhelm fink Verlag, 1985. 73-82.
  4. Kelly, Ann Cline. "Swift’s Battle of the Books: Fame in the Modern Age." In Reading Swift: Papers from The Third Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift. Eds. Hermann J Real and Helgard Stöver-Leidig. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1998. 91-100.
  5. Kelly, Anne Cline. "Swift’s Polite Conversation: An Eschatological Vision." Studies in Philology 73 (1976): 204-226.
  6. Mahony, Robert. "Swift’s Modest Proposal and the Rhetoric of Irish Colonial Consumption." 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era 4 (1998): 205-214.
  7. Mueller, Judith. "The Ethics of Reading in Swift’s Abstract on Freethinking." SEL 31. 3 (Summer 1991): 483-498.
  8. Peterson, Leland D. "Swift’s Project: A Religious and Political Satire." PMLA 82.1 (March 1967): 54-63.
  9. Phiddian, Robert. "The Reaction to Collins’s A Dicourse of Free-Thinking. ‘Not Politicks’?" Swift Studies 4 (1989): 69-76.
  10. Phiddian, Robert. "A Name to Conjure With: Games of Verification and Identity in the Bickerstaff Controversy." In Reading Swift: Papers from The Second Münster Symposium on Swift. Eds. Richard H. Rodino & Hermann J. Real. Munich: Wilhelm fink Verlag, 1993. 141-150.
  11. Quinlan, Maurice J. "Swift’s Project for the Advancement of Religion and the Reformation of Manners." PMLA 71 (1956): 202-204.
  12. Rawson, Claude. "The Injured Lady and the Drapier: A Reading of Swift’s Irish Tracts." Prose Studies 3 (1980): 15-43.
  13. Richardson, J. A. "Swift’s Argument: Laughing Us into Religion." Eighteenth‑Century Life 13.2 (1989): 35-45.
  14. Robertson, Mary F. "Swift’s Argument: The Fact and Fiction of Fighting with Beasts." Modern Philology 74 (1976): 121-141.
  15. Schmidt, Johann N. "Swift’s Uses of Facts and Fiction: The Drapier’s Letters." In Proceedings of he First Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift. Eds. Richard H. Rodino & Hermann J. Real. Munich: Wilhelm fink Verlag, 1985. 247-256.
  16. Smith, Lisa. "‘The Livery of Religion’: Reconciling Swift’s Argument and Project." English Language Notes 31 (December 1993): 27-33.