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  6. ______ (1989). Moon Palace. London – Boston, Faber & Faber, paperback edition, 1990.
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  14. BRASSENS, Georges (1955). ‘Corne d’Aurochs’. Editions Disques Philips.
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  16. BREL, Jacques (1977). ‘Les Marquises’. Editions Disques Barclay.
  17. BUSBY, F. M. (1987). ‘A Gun for Grandfather’. In Getting Home, New York, NY, Ace.
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  20. CHAMISSO, Adelbert von (1813). Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte. Stuttgart, Philipp Reclam jun. GmbH & Co, ‘Universal-Bibliothek’, nr 93.
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  22. ______ (1916). ‘Introduction’ à Partage de midi. Prononcée le 4 novembre 1916 lors d’une matinée au profit du Foyer Franco-Belge, reprise in Claudel Théâtre I, édité par Jacques MADAULE & Jacques PETIT, Paris, Gallimard, ‘Bibliothèque de la Pléiade’, vol.72, 1967, pp.1337-1338.
  23. ______ (1948a). ‘Préface’ à Partage de midi. In Claudel Théâtre I, édité par Jacques MADAULE & Jacques PETIT, Paris, Gallimard, ‘Bibliothèque de la Pléiade’, vol.72, 1967, pp.1338-1340.
  24. ______ (1948b). Lettre à Jean-Louis Barrault datée ‘8 octobre 1948’. In Claudel Théâtre I, édité par Jacques MADAULE & Jacques PETIT, Paris, Gallimard, ‘Bibliothèque de la Pléiade’, vol.72, 1967, pp.1344-1346.
  25. CLIFFORD, Hugh [Sir] (1897). In Court & Kampong, Being Tales and Sketches of Native Life in the Malay Peninsula. London, The Richards Press Ltd. [‘The East Coast’; ‘The People of the East Coast’; ‘The Experiences of Râja Haji Hamid’; ‘The Battle of the Women’; ‘In Cock-Pit and Bull-Ring’; ‘The Were-Tiger’; ‘The Âmok of Dâto Kâya Bîji Derja’; ‘The Fight of Chêp, the Bird’; ‘The Vaulting Ambition’; ‘One More Unfortunate’; ‘Among the Fisher Folk’; ‘The Story of Bâyan the Paroquet’; ‘A Tale of a Theft’; ‘In a Camp of the Semangs’; ‘His Heart’s Desire’; ‘A Night of Terror’; ‘In the Days When the Land Was Free’; ‘Un Mauvais Quart d’heure’; ‘Up Country’.]
  26. ______ (1898). Studies in Brown Humanity, Being Scrawls and Smudges in Sepia, White and Yellow. London, Grant Richards. [Comprend: ‘In the Valley of the Telom’; ‘The Fate of Leh the Strolling Player’; ‘Ûmat’; ‘His Little Bill: A Study in Chinese Psychology’; ‘The Schooner With a Past’; ‘In Arcadia’; ‘The Spirit of the Tree’; ‘At the Heels of the White Man’; ‘Tûkang Bûrok’s Story’; ‘On Malayan Rivers’; ‘A Malay Othello’; ‘Some Notes and Theories Concerning Lâtah’; ‘The Weeding of the Tares’; ‘In the Rush of Many Waters’; ‘From the Grip of the Law’; ‘The Strange Elopement of Châling the Dyak’.]
  27. ______ (1901). Bush-Wacking and Other Sketches. Edinburgh & London, William Blackwood & Sons. [Comprend: ‘Bush-Wacking’; ‘Father Rouellot’; ‘In the Heart of Kalamantan’; ‘Wan Beh, Princess of the Blood’; ‘From Beyond the Bourne’; ‘The Past of the Schooner’; ‘Alone: A Story of Very Early Days in Borneo’; ‘In Chains’.]
  28. ______ (1904b). Further India: Being the Story of Exploration From the Earliest Times in Burma, Malaya, Siam & Indo-China. London, Lawrence & Bullen Ltd.
  29. ______ (1913). Malayan Monochromes. London, John Murray. [Comprend: ‘Mat Arif the Elemental’; ‘Our Trusty & Well-Beloved’; ‘Cholera on a Chinese Junk’; ‘The Familiar Spirit’; ‘‘The Legion of Strangers’’; ‘Mir Maluk, Sepoy’; ‘Two Little Slave-Girls’; ‘The Appointed Hour’; ‘The Nature of an Oath’; ‘The Quest of the Golden Fleece’; ‘The Skulls in the Forest’; ‘In the Half-Light’.]
  30. ______ (1926). Saleh: A Prince of Malaya. Singapore, Oxford University Press, ‘Oxford Paperbacks’, 1989. Roman réunissant deux nouvelles précédentes: ‘Sally’, 1904, and Saleh: A Sequel, 1908.
  31. ______ (1897-1929). At the Court of Pelesu and Other Malayan Stories. Oxford & Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, ‘Oxford in Asia Paperbacks’, 1993. [Publié à l’origine sous le titre: Stories by Sir Hugh Clifford, 1966.]
  32. COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor (1797). ‘The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere’. In The Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, édité par Ernest Hartley COLERIDGE, Ware, Hertfordshire, Wordsworth Editions Ltd, ‘The Wordsworth Poetry Library’, 1994, pp.186-209.
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  34. ______ (1808). ‘Fragment of an Ode to Napoleon’ & ‘Napoleon’. In The Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, édité par Ernest Hartley COLERIDGE, Ware, Hertfordshire, Wordsworth Editions Ltd, ‘The Wordsworth Poetry Library’, 1994, ‘Fragments’, pp.500-501 & pp.507-508.
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  36. CRANE, Stephen (1897). ‘The Open Boat’. In Great Short Works of Stephen Crane, New York, Harper & Row, 1968, pp.277-302.
  37. DARIEN, Georges (1889). Bas les cœurs! (1870-1871). Paris, Jean-Jacques Pauvert.
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  50. KEATS, John (1820). ‘Sonnet On the Sea’. In The Works of John Keats, Ware, Hertfordshire, Wordsworth Editions Ltd, ‘The Wordsworth Poetry Library’, 1994, p.295.
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  81. SOREL, Charles (1627). Le Berger extravagant. Genève, Slatkine, 1972.
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  85. ______ (1895-onwards). A Nocturne and Other Malayan Stories & Sketches, Oxford & Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, ‘Oxford in Asia Paperbacks’, 1993.
  86. ______ (1898). Unaddressed Letters. London, The Bodley Head. [Comprend: ‘The Hill of Solitude’; ‘Of Worship’; ‘West & East’; ‘A Clever Mongoose’; ‘A Blue Day’; ‘Of Love, In Fiction’; ‘The Jingling Coin’; ‘A Strange Sunset’; ‘Of Letter-Writing’; ‘At a Funeral’; ‘Of Change & Decay’; ‘Daughters & Despotism’; ‘Her Fiancé’; ‘By the Sea’; ‘An Illumination’; ‘Of Death, In Fiction’; ‘A Hand at Ecarté’; ‘The Gentle Art of Veering With the Wind’; ‘A Rejoinder’; ‘Of Importunity’; ‘Of Coincidences’; ‘Of a Country-House Custom’; ‘A Mere Life’; ‘Tigers & Crocodiles’; ‘A Rose & a Moth’; ‘A Love-Philtre’; ‘Moonstruck’; ‘The ‘Devi’’; ‘The Death-Chain’; ‘Scandal & Bangles’; ‘The Reprehensible Habit of Making Comparisons’; ‘A Challenge’; ‘In Exile’; ‘Of Love – Not in Fiction’; ‘Of Obsession’; ‘Of Paradise Lost’; ‘‘To Mary, in Heaven’’.]
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  88. SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles (1866). ‘The Return’. In RABAN, Jonathan (éditeur), The Oxford Book of the Sea, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1992, pp.273-274.
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  94. ______ (1874). Le Chancellor. In Le Phare du bout du monde – Le Chancellor, Paris, Hachette, ‘Jules Verne – Voyages extraordinaires’, 1978, pp.201-443.
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  101. VERNE, Michel (1907). L’Agence Thompson & Co. Paris, Hachette, ‘Jules Verne – Voyages extraordinaires’, 1982.
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