Annexe 9. Typologies de la centricité des noms composés du corpus

1. Les noms composés anglais

Tableau 115 : Les noms composés anglais
Centricité Composés anglais
1- Composés endocentriques
N2N1 est un N1
access control, ad blocker, ad-blocking program, address bar, address book, ad-free zone, ADSL modem, ADSL provider, alias page, always-on access, always-on broadband connection, always-on connection, always-on routed Internet, analog modem, anonymous FTP, anonymous surfing, antivirus provider, Application Service Provider, archive manager, archive moderator, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, asynchronous transfer, attack program, audience measurement, banner ad, banner advertising, blacklist, Blind Carbon Copy, blocking access, bookmark, bookmark manager, Boolean operator, Boolean search, boot virus, broadband Internet, browser cache, browser sniffer, browsing habit, buffer overflow attack, bug hunter, bulk email, Bulletin Board System, cable Internet access, cable modem, Cascading Style Sheet, central server, Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol, chat group, chat host, chat server, chat session, chat software, chat window, chatbox, chat-mate, chatroom, click-and-mortar business, client interface, client-server architecture, collocated server package, commercial site, comparison site, connection kit, connection speed, connection time, contact group, contact list, cookie builder, cookie file, cookie management, cookie manager, cyber activity, cyber album, cyber directory, cyber market, cyber monitoring, cyber referendum, cyber shop, cyber visitor, cyberattack, cyberbrand, cybercafé, cyberconference, cyber-conflict, cybercop, cybercrime, cybercriminal, cybercriminality, cyber-debate, cyber-delinquency, cyber-delinquent, cybereditor, cyberethics, cyberflirt, cyberfrontier, cyber-grocer, cyberhacking, cyberlanguage, cyberlaw, cyberlove, cybermerchant, cyberprotection, cyber-recruitment, cybersex, cybersoldier, cyberspace, cyberstress, cybersupermarket, cyberterrorism, cyberterrorist, cyberunivers, cyberworld, data packet, dedicated server, Denial of Service attack, dial-up connection, dial-up modem, digital signature, discussion area, discussion board, discussion forum, discussion group, distribution list, DNS server, domain name, Domain Name System, DoS attack, dot-com industry, dotcom startup, download, download manager, download site, download speed, download time, downloading, Dynamic HyperText Markup Language, dynamic IP address, ebiz, ebook, e-business, e-business integrator, e-card, e-commerce package, e-commerce site, e-commerce, e-customer, e-employee, e-job, e-learning, electronic hoax, electronic mail account, electronic message, electronic messaging, electronic messaging client, electronic newsletter, electronic signature, electronic-commerce, e-mail account, e-mail address, email alert, e-mail attachment, e-mail client, e-mail encryptor, e-mail filtering, e-mail header, email list, email manager, e-mail newsletter, email provider, e-mail server, email software, email virus, email worm, email, e-market place, emoticon, encrypted email, encrypted virus, encryption key, encryption program, encryption system, e-purchase, e-tourism, e-trade, e-trader, executable attack, eXtensible Markup Language, external modem, e-zine site, file sharing, file swapping, File Transfer Protocol, file-sharing program, file-swapping program, filtering package, filtering rule, flamewar, forwarding address, fraggle attack, frame-to-frame animation, freeware, Frequently Asked Questions, FTP access, FTP client, FTP file, FTP server, FTP space, general portal, groupware, guestbook, hacked page, hacked site, hacker attack, hacker community, hacking attack, hardware firewall, high-speed access, high-speed connection, high-speed Internet, high-speed Web access, history folder, hit counter, HMTL site, home page, hosted data, hosting company, hosting package, hosting URL, hotline, HTML editor, HTML integrator, HTML page, HTTP server, human-assisted search engine, hyperlinked video, HyperText Markup Language, HyperText Transfer Protocol, inbox, incoming mail server, indexed page, indexing engine, individual ADSL, information superhighway, instant message, instant messaging, instant messenger, instant translator, Internet, Internet access, Internet access authorization, Internet access package, Internet Access provider, Internet cache, Internet café, Internet community, Internet connection, Internet connection software, Internet content provider, Internet gateway, Internet name, Internet portal, Internet Protocol, Internet server, Internet Service Provider, Internet tool, Internet traffic load, Internet user, intrusion detection system, invisible Web, IP address, IP network, IP router, IRC channel, IRC client, IRC server, Java applet, junk email, keylogger, leased line connection, live update, Local Area Network, local ISP, log file, log sniffer, low-speed connection, mail checker, mail forwarding, mail server, mail bombing, mailbox, mailing list, mailing-list management software, malicious code, managed Service Provider, massive attack, message board, message filter, meta portal, meta search engine, meta tag, mirror site, mobile Internet, MP3 file, MP3 site, multiaccess portal, multicriteria search, multipartite virus, musical website, Napsterized file, navigation bar, Net access, Net congestion message, Net connection, Net connection speed, Net economy, Net marketer, Net marketing, Net user, netizen, network administrator, network connection, network firewall, newsgroup, newsgroup server, newsgroup software, newsgroupie, newsletter, official page, official site, offline browser, offline browsing, online privacy, online security, Online Service Provider, online shop, online shopping, open source app, openware, outcoming mail server, P2P network, page view, parody site, password, password cracker, peer-to-peer network, personal home page, personal site, ping sweep, Point to Point Protocol, polymorphic virus, POP account, POP server, POP3 email box, POP3 mail box, pop-down ad, pop-under ad, pop-up ad, pop-up message, port blocking, port scanning, portal site, Post Office Protocol, price comparison site, private key, private virtual network, program virus, proxy firewall, proxy server, PSTN connection, public IP address, public key, read notification, receipt notification, remodelled site, remote access, remote computer, remote server, rotation banner, satellite modem, script file, script virus, script-blocking, scrolling banner, search engine, secure certificate, secure server, security hole, server attack, server connection, server package, server-to-server architecture, shadow password, shared hosting, shared hosting package, shared IP address, shared mail server, shared server, shared server package, shareware, Short Message Service, showroom, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, simultaneous connection, site creation tool, site directory, site owner, site structure, SMS messaging, smurf attack, snail mail, software firewall, source code, space provider, spam protection, specific portal, spyware, static IP address, static Web page, stealth virus, storage site, streaming video, style sheet, surfing habit, techno-nerd, teleworking, thematic directory, thematic portal, transfer speed, Trojan Horse detector, Trojan virus, underground site, Uniform Resource Locator, unique visitor, upload, URL history, Usenet group, Usenet posting, user account, user authentication, user interface, user interface expert, username, video chat, video-chatting, videostream, viral attack, viral code, viral infection, viral worm, virtual hosting, virus alert, virus attack, virus definition, virus update, virus writer, virus-signature file, visible Web, Vmail, voice chat, voice email, WAP locking, WAP page, WAP portal, Web accelerator, Web access, Web address, Web agency, Web attack, Web browser, web bug, Web cobrowsing, Web collaborating, Web community, Web design, Web designer, Web developer, Web directory, Web hosting, Web hosting company, Web manager, Web marketer, Web page, Web radio, web remix, web remixer, Web server, Web software, Web space, Web surfer, Web surfing habit, Web user interface, webcam, webcenter, weblog, weblogger, weblogging, webmail, webmaster, website, white hacker, Wireless Application Protocol, wireless connection, wireless Internet connection, wireless Web, World Wide Web, worm alert, worm attack
2- Composés endocentriques

N1N2 est un N1
business to consumer, Business to Employee, business-to-business, Denial of Service, network of networks, peer-to-peer, portal of portals, voice IP
3- Composés endocentriques

N2N1 est un N1 et un N2
hacktivism, hacktivist, modem, Small Office Home Office, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
4- Composés exocentriques

*N1N2 est un N1 et un N2
backdoor, bandwidth, black hat, bottleneck, click and mortar, cookie ID, cyberpunk, cybersquatter, cybersquatting, dotcom, dot-org, firewall, frame relay, hyperlink, intelligent agent, Internet cookie, mailto, permanent cookie, pop up, rollover, script kiddy, search engine spider, Secure Socket Layer, shopbot, startup, temporary cookie, thumbnail, Trojan Horse, uplink, white hat