Bibliographie de l’Annexe IX

  1. Allison P.D., (1995), Survival analysis using SAS – A practical guide, Cary, SAS Publishing, 292 p.
  2. Bhat C.R., (2000), « Duration modelling », dans D.A. Hensher et K.J. Button, Handbook of transport modelling, Oxford, Elsevier Science, p. 91-111.
  3. Cox D.R., (1972), « Regression models and life tables », Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 34(2), p. 187-202.
  4. Cox D.R et D. Oakes, (1988), Analysis of survival data, Londres, Chapman and Hall.
  5. Cox D.R. et E.J. Snell, (1968), « A general definition of residuals with discussion », Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 30(2), p.248-275.
  6. Cleves M., Gould W.W. et Gutierrez R.G., (2004), An introduction to survival analysis using Stata, Texas, College Station, Stata Press, 308 p.
  7. Collett D., (1994), Modelling survival data in medical research, Londres, Chapman Hall, UK, 350 p.
  8. Efron B., (1977), « The efficiency of Cox’s likelihood function for censored data », Journal of the American Statistical Association, 72(359), p. 557-565.
  9. Fleming T.R. et D.P. Harrington, (1991), Counting process and survival analysis, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 429 p., cité dansD.W. Hosmer et S. Lemeshow, (1999), Applied survival analysis, New York,John Wiley & Sons, 386 p.
  10. Greenwood M., (1926), The natural duration of cancer, Reports on public health and medical subjects, Her majesty’s stationery office, Londres, 33, p. 1-26
  11. Heckman J. et G. Borjas, (1980), « Does unemployment cause future unemployment? Definitions, questions and answers from a continuous yime model of heterogeneity and state dependence », Economica, 47(187), p. 247-283.
  12. Heckman J. et B. Singer, (1984), « A method for minimising the impact of the distributional assumption in econometric models for duration data », Econometrica, 52(2), p. 271-320.
  13. Hensher D. et F. Mannering, (1994), « Hazard-based duration models and their application to transport analysis », Transportation Reviews, 14(1), p. 63-82.
  14. Hosmer D.W. et S. Lemeshow, (1999), Applied survival analysis, New York,John Wiley & Sons, 386 p.
  15. Kalbfleisch J.D. et R.L. Prentice, (1980), The statistical analysis of failure time data, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 439 p., cité dansD.W. Hosmer et S. Lemeshow, (1999), Applied survival analysis, New York,John Wiley & Sons, 386 p.
  16. Kaplan E. et P. Meier, (1958), « Non-parametric estimation from incomplete observations », Journal of the American Statistical Association, 53(282), p. 457-481.
  17. Lawless J.F., (2003), Statistical models and methods for lifetime data, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 630 p.
  18. Meyer B.D., (1990), « Unemployment insurance and unemployment spells », Econometrica, 58(4), p. 775-782.
  19. Oakes D., (1977), « The asymptotic information in censored survival data », Biometrika, 64(3), p. 441-448.