Bibliographie concernant les sondages

  1. Antoine, Jacques (1990). Le Sondage, outil du marketing, Paris, Dunod.
  2. Asher, Herbert (1995). Polling and the Public. What Every Citizen should Know, Congressional Quarterly Press.
  3. Béjoint, Henri (1981). "The Foreign Student's Use of Monolingual English Dictionaries : A Study of Language Needs and Reference Skills", Applied Linguistics, 2:3, pp. 207-222.
  4. Béjoint, Henri (2000). Modern Lexicography. An Introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  5. Candel, Danielle (2001). "De l'Usage des dictionnaires de spécialité (une enquête 1985-2000)", Cahiers de Lexicologie, 78:1, pp. 81-98.
  6. Cayrol, Roland (2000). Sondages mode d'emploi, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po.
  7. Chiaro, Delia & Giuseppe Nocella (2004). "Interpreter's Perception of Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Factors Affecting Quality : A Survey through the World Wide Web", Meta, 49:2, pp. 278-293.
  8. Colin, Lavoie et al. (1992). Initiation aux méthodes quantitatives en sciences humaines, Chicoutimi, Gaëtan Morin.
  9. Collet, Tanja (2004). "Esquisse d'une nouvelle microstructure de dictionnaire spécialisé reflétant la variation en discours du terme syntagmatique", Meta, 49:2, pp. 247-263.
  10. Crystal, David (1987). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  11. Descamps, Jean-Luc (1994). "Pour qui élaborer un dictionnaire de langue techno-scientifique", in Français scientifique et technique et dictionnaire de langue, Etudes de sémantique lexicale, D. Candel (ed.), Paris, Didier érudition, pp. 151-183.
  12. Descamps, Jean-Luc & R. Vaunaize (1983). "Le Dictionnaire au jour le jour en milieu adulte : une pré-enquête", Etudes de linguistique appliquée, 49, pp. 89-109.
  13. Devereaux Ferguson, Sherry (2000). Researching the Public Opinion Environment : Theories and Methods, Thousand Oaks, London, New Dehli, Sage Publications.
  14. Dussaix, Anne-Marie & Jean-Marie Grosbras (1993). Les Sondages : principes et méthodes, Que Sais-Je, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
  15. Foster, Jeremy J. (2001). Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows Versions 8 to 10. A Beginner's Guide, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, Sage Publications.
  16. Galisson, R. (1983). "Image et usage du dictionnaire chez des étudiants (en langue) de niveau avancé", Etudes de linguistique appliquée, 49, pp. 5-88.
  17. Gawiser, Sheldon R. & G. Evans Witt (1994). A Journalist's Guide to Public Opinion Polls, Wesport (CT), London, Praeger.
  18. George, Darren & Paul Mallery (1999). SPSS for Windows. Step by Step. A Simple Guide and Reference, Allyn & Bacon.
  19. Hartmann, Reinhard Rudolf Karl (1989). "Sociology of the Dictionary User : Hypotheses and Empirical Studies", in Dictionaries : An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography, F. J. Hausmann (ed.), Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 1.
  20. Hatherall, Glyn (1984). Studying Dictionary Use : Some Findings and Proposals, LEXeter '83, Exeter, Niemeyer, pp. 183-189.
  21. Jacquart, Hughes (1988). Qui? Quoi? Comment? ou La Pratique des sondages, Paris, Eyrolles.
  22. Mackintosh, Kristen (1995). An Empirical Study of Dictionary Use in Version, mémoire de maîtrise, School of Translation and Interpretation, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa.
  23. Martin-Rutledge, Virginia (1998). Use of Examples in the Bilingual Dictionary : an Empirical Study, mémoire de maîtrise, School of Translation and Interpretation, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa
  24. Meynaud, Hélène & Denis Duclos (1985). Les Sondages d'opinion, Paris, Editions La Découverte.
  25. Nesi, Hilary (2002). "A Study of Dictionary Use by International Students at a British University", International Journal of Lexicography, 15:4, pp. 277-305.
  26. Roberts, Roda P. (1994). Bilingual Dictionaries Prepared in Terms of Translators' Needs, Proceedings of CTIC 3rd Conference (May 4-8, 1994), Translation in the Global Village, Banff, CTIC, pp. 51-65.
  27. Summers, Donna (1988). "The role of Dictionaries in Language Learning", in Vocabulary and Language Teaching, R. A. Carter & M. McCarthy (eds.), Londres, Longman, pp. 111-125.
  28. Svensén, Bo (1993). Practical Lexicography. Principles and Methods of Dictionary-Making, Oxford, New York, Oxford University Press.
  29. Tremblay, André (1991). Sondages. Histoire, pratique et analyse., Chicoutimi, Gaëtan Morin.
  30. Varantola, Krista (1998). "Translators and their Use of Dictionaries : User Needs and User Habits", in Using Dictionaries. Studies of Dictionary Use by Language Learners and Translators, B. T. S. Atkins (ed.), Tübingen, Niemeyer Verlag.