
  1. Ultramarine (1933), Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1974. [U]
  2. The 1940 Under the Volcano , eds. Paul Tiessen et Miguel Mota, introduction de Frederick Asals (Waterloo, Ontario : mlr editions Canada, 1994).
  3. Under the Volcano (Londres : Jonathan Cape,1947 ; New York : Reynal & Hitchcock, 1947), New York et Scarborough, Ontario : New American Library (A Plume Book), 1971. (Contient une introduction de Stephen Spender, pp. XI-XXX). [UTV]
  4. Dark As The Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid, eds. Douglas Day et Margerie Bonner Lowry. New York : The New American Library, 1968. [DATG]
  5. October Ferry to Gabriola (1971), ed. Margerie Bonner Lowry. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1979.
  6. La Mordida (A Scholarly Edition), ed. Patrick A. McCarthy. Athens, Georgiaet Londres : University of Georgia Press, 1996.