2.8.3. La division du travail et les actions

On a là l’origine de la division du travail, indispensable à la réussite de l’activité. C’est parce qu’il est impossible à un individu seul d’atteindre la finalité regroupant tous les participants à l’activité qu’il tentera d’atteindre un objectif partiel.

‘Historically, the appearance in activity of goal-oriented action processes was the result of the emergence of a society based on labour. The activity of people working together is stimulated by its product, which at first directly corresponds to the needs of all participants. But the simplest technical division of labour that arises in this process necessarily leads to the emergence of intermediate, partial results, which are achieved by individual participation in the collective labour activity, but which in themselves cannot satisfy the need of each participant. This need is satisfied not by the “intermediate” results, but by the share of the product of the total activity that each receives thanks to the relationships between the participants arising in the process of labour, that is, the social relations 87

LEONTIEV, 1975/ 1977, op cité, p 77