
Ideographic writing, according to its principles of organisation, is an analogical model for conceiving the construction of the human psyche. Languages, gesture, bodily attitudes, under the model of principle of pleasure/displeasure, are the diverse aspects of figures or images and contribute to the dynamic an economic construction of intra, intersubjectivity. The movement of the body contained in an ideogram inscribes identificatory processes. The different components of an ideogram each occupy a place in the construction of the Ego and the Self.

These transformations inside an ideogram portray the question of origins and the original fantasy for the construction of the psyche reality. The figures of images regroup or disperse themselves, open the model of liaison/deliaison, like the dreamwork nourishing living breath, which is what we call the human being’s animated being (animé).The dreamwork constitute as the found and created objet (trouvé/créé) of the psyche syntaxe, with des maternals functions authorizing the transformations of the passage of the “representation-thing” to the “representation-word”. The movements de the psyche motion of the dreamer looking for de primairy et secondairy symbolisation as a dream for two, plurial, culturel and “narcissisming”.

The proximity between the approach of a clinical understanding of certain ideograms and formal signifiers such as described by D. Anzieu, “demarcation signifiers” of G. Rosolato and “pictogram” of P. Aulagnier, allow us to construct a representative model of the malleability of psychic conflictuality and to represent the dynamics of the processes of the visual unconscious. The test of Ti let us “see” the transformations, folds and “unfolds” of the economic dimension and dynamic position on considering unconscious and original affects in tie with the primary narcissism looking for the representation.

Key-words  : Play – Reality – Malleability – Transformation – Representation - Writing.