
  1. [The] Academy of American Poets. “Robert Creeley: Picking Up the Painting’s Vibes”. <>
  2. Alexander, Michael. “William Carlos Williams and Robert Creeley”. Agenda 4.3-4 Summer 1966: 56-67.
  3. Altieri, Charles. “The Unsure Egoist: Robert Creeley and the Theme of Nothingness”. Contemporary Literature 13. 2. Spring 1972: 162-185.
  4. Antin, David. “Modernism and Postmodernism: Approaching the Present in American poetry”. Boundary 2 1.1. Autumn 1972: 98-133.
  5. Bacon, Terry R. “Closure in Robert Creeley’s Poetry”. Modern Poetry Studies Winter 1977: 227-47.
  6. Barone, Dennis. “Awake to Particulars: The Prose of Robert Creeley”. Review of Contemporary Fiction 15.3 Fall 1995.
  7. Bartlett, Lee. “Poetry: The 1940s to the Present”. American Literary Scholarship 2000: 391-415.
  8. Barthes, Roland. “Rhétorique de l’image”. Communications 4 1964.
  9. Bernstein, Charles, Ann Lauterbach, Jonathan Monroe and Bob Perelman. “Poetry, Community, Movement: A Conversation”. Diacritics 26.3-4 (1996): 196-210.
  10. Bernstein, Charles. “Creeley’s Eye and the Fiction of the Self”. Review of Contemporary Fiction 15.3 Fall 1995.
  11. Berry, Eleanor. “The Free Verse Spectrum”. College English 58.8 December 1997: 873-897.
  12. Bly, Robert. “The Work of Robert Creeley”. The Fifties 2 (1959): 10-21.
  13. Broadhead, Heidi. “Verse and Vision: A Major American Poet Talks About What Happens when Artists and Poets Get Together”. F Newsmagazine 2000. The School of the Art Insititue of Chicago. <>
  14. Clark, Tom. “Double Take: Creeley’s New Poems”. Jacket 21 Feb. 2003.
  15. Coblence, Françoise. “Konrad Fiedler : Sur l’origine de l’activité artistique”. RFE - Revue Française d’Esthétique. <>.
  16. Comens, Bruce. “Robert Creeley: in Conversation”. Review of Contemporary Fiction 15.3 Fall 1995.
  17. Covi, Giovanna. “Words of Poetry, Words of Theory: At Breakfast with Donn Byrd, Robert Creeley, Douglas Gunn, Judith Johnson, Charles Stein and Wiliam Spanos”. Boundary 2 15.3 Spring - Autumn 1988: 73-96.
  18. Cox, Kenneth. “Address and Posture in the Early Poems of Robert Creeley”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 241-246.
  19. Davidson, Michael. “From Margin to Mainstream: Post-war Poetry and the Politics of Containment”. American Literary History 10.2 Summer 1998: 266-290.
  20. ---.“The Presence of the Present: Morality and the Problem of Value in Robert Creeley’s Recent Prose”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 545-564.
  21. Diehl, Paul. “The Literal Activity of Robert Creeley”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 335-346.
  22. Dorfman, Elsa. “Camera Lucida”. The Journal of Photography in New England 3.3.
  23. ---. “Names, Dates, Places”. Field of Vision Spring 1985.
  24. ---. “Portrait of the Portrait Photographer.” The Journal of Photography in New England 2.2. Winter 1981.
  25. ---. “Untitled”. The Women’s Review of Books Jan. 1996.
  26. ---. “Here we Are”. <>
  27. ---. “Elsa’s Housbook”. <>
  28. Dorn, Edward. “Of Robert Creeley”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 447-448.
  29. Dubin Edelberg, Cynthia. “Robert Creeley’s Words: the Comedy of the Intellect”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 265-292.
  30. Eichele, Robin. “A Personal re-cognisance”. Work 2 Fall 1965: 76-78.
  31. Entwistle, Alice. “Robert Creeley and Robert Duncan: A World of Contradiction”. Journal of American Studies 32.2 (1998): 263-279.
  32. Escallon, Ana Maria. “Marisol”. Art Museum of the Americas, Washington DC. <>.
  33. ---. “Marisol and Her Freedom of Space”. Sculpture Review. Winter 2003.
  34. Fles, John. “The Root”. Kulchur 1.1 Spring 1960: 39-41.
  35. Flohic, Catherine. “Francesco Clemente.” Ninety: Art in the 90’s 16: 10-13.
  36. Fluck, Winfried. “Aesthetic Experience of the Image”. Iconographies of Power: The Politics and Poetics of Visual Representation. (Sous la direction de Ulla Haselstein, Berndt Ostendorf and Peter Schneck). Heidelberg : 2003. 11-41.
  37. Fredman, Stephen. “The Measure of the Man”. <>
  38. Gander, Forrest. “The King is Old? Long Live the King!”. Boston Review. <>
  39. Garboden, Clif. “A Career in Focus: Elsa Dorfman, Portrait Photographer.” The Boston Phoenix, 19 Feb. 1993.
  40. Goldoni, Annalisa. “Parole poetiche per dire la moltiplicazione impossibile dell’Io”. Il Manifesto 2 giugno 2005:13.
  41. Grenier, Robert. “A Packet for Robert Creeley”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 421-442.
  42. Gunn, Douglas. “Inappropriate Literary Performances: the Unstable Texts of Robert Creeley’s Mabel: A Story, and Other Prose”. Review of Contemporary Fiction 15.3 Fall 1995.
  43. ---. “In Dissemblance Deft: Robert Creeley’s ‘Undisciplined’ Prose”. Boundary 2 16.2-3. Winter - Spring 1989: 277-304.
  44. Hoffman, Katherine. “Portraits that Heal: The Art of Elsa Dorfman.” Victory Park – The Journal of New Hampshire Institute of Art 1.2 Spring-Summer 1998.
  45. Howe, Susan. “Robert Creeley and the Politics of the Person”. Poetics Journal 9 1991: 152-158.
  46. Irmsher, Christoph. “Lovely Damn Things”. Canadian Literature 180 Spring 2004: 129.
  47. Jackson, Bruce. “Robert Creeley and Bruce Jackson on the subject of Company”. Buffalo Report 5 Apr. 2005. <>.
  48. ---. “Remembering Creeley”. Artvoice May 18-24 2006: 18-20.
  49. Kern, Robert. “Composition as Recognition: Robert Creeley and Postmodern Poetics”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 211-232.
  50. Kimmelman, Burt. “George Oppen’s Silence and the Role of Uncertainty in Post-War American avant-garde”. Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 36.2 June 2003: 142.
  51. Kirby, David. “Home and Hut”. The New York Times 3 Nov. 1991, late ed., sec. 7: 14.
  52. Lanthony, Philippe. “Les peintres monophtalmes”. Points de vue 36 Printemps 1997 : 34.
  53. Lee, Phil. “Eye and Gaze”. The University of Chicago Departement of Art History. <>.
  54. Martin, Charles. “The Three Voices of Contemporary Poetry”. New Criterion 22.8 April 2004: 34.
  55. Maslow, Ellen. “A Discussion of Several of Creeley’s Poems”. Kulchur 5.20 Winter 1964-1965: 66-71.
  56. McHale, Brian. “Poetry as Prosthesis”. Poetics Today 21.1 Spring, 2000: 1-32.
  57. McHugh, Heather. “Love and Frangibility: An Appreciation of Robert Creeley”. The American Poetry Review 26.3 May-June 1997: 9.
  58. Miall, David S. and Don Kuiken. “Foregrounding, Defamiliarization and Affect: Response to Literary Stories”. Poetics 22 1994.
  59. Midgette, Anne. “Words Worth a Thousand Pictures – Juxtaposing Poetry and Painting, Robert Creeley’s Collaborations Give Art New Meaning”. LEISURE & ART Wall Street Journal 22 Septembre 1999.
  60. Miltner, Robert. “Where the Visual Meets the Verbal: Collaboration as Conversation”. Enculturation 3.2 Fall 2001.
  61. Moon, Samuel. “The Springs of Action: A Psychological Portrait of Robert Creeley (Part I: The Whip)”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 247-264.
  62. Muske Dukes, Carol. “Straight from the Hearth”. Los Angeles Times Book Review 23 June 1991: 8.
  63. Navero, William. “Robert Creeley: Close. In the Mind. Some Times. Some What”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 347-352.
  64. Obermayer, Roberta. “Good Company: An Interview with Roberta Obermayer”, American Poetry Review 28.5 Sept.-Oct. 1999.
  65. Quartermain, Peter. “Robert Creeley: What Counts”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 329-334.
  66. Rosenberg, Jim. “A Prosody of Space / Non-linear Time”.Postmodern Culture 10.3 May 2000.
  67. Rumaker, Michael. “Robert Creeley at Black Mountain College”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 137-172.
  68. Sanders, Jay. “All in the Family”. BiBLiOFiLES, Willamette Week, Portland [OR] 10 Nov. 1999.
  69. Sherman, Paul. “A Letter on Rosenthal’s ‘Problems of Robert Creeley’s”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 747-760.
  70. Shoptaw, John. “Lyric Cryptography”. Poetics Today 21.1 Spring 2000: 221-262.
  71. Sorrentino, Gilbert. Rev. of The Moderns 1963 (64). Kulchur 4.14 Summer 1964: 81-87.
  72. Spalding, J.M. “Interview with Robert Creeley”. The Cortland Review Apr. 1998.
  73. Stephen, Michael. “The Poet in Robert Creeley’s Prose”, Review of Contemporary Fiction 15.3 Fall 1995: 110.
  74. Swan, Jim. “‘Life Without Parole’: Metaphor and Discursive Commitment”. Style 36.3 Fall 2002: 446.
  75. Sylvester, William. “Robert Creeley’s Poetics: I Know That I Hear You”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 193-210.
  76. Tallman, Warren. “Haw: A Dream for Robert Creeley”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 461-468.
  77. ---.“Robert Creeley’s Portrait of the Artist”. Kulchur 4.13 Spring 1964: 15-26.
  78. ---. “Robert Creeley’s Rimethought”. A Nosegay in Black 1.1 Autumn 1966.
  79. Tarlow, Lois. “Profile: Elsa Dorfman.” ARTNEWENGLAND June 1990.
  80. Treacle, Geoffrey. “New York School”. Chicago Review Summer-Fall 1999: 196.
  81. Twitchell-Waas, Jeffrey. “ Robert Creeley”. Review of Contemporary Fiction 24.2 Summer 2004.
  82. Vernon, John. “The Cry of Its Occasion: Robert Creeley”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 309-328.
  83. Von Hallberg, Robert. “Robert Creeley and the Pleasures of System”. Boundary 2 6.3. Robert Creeley: A Gathering. Spring - Autumn 1978: 365-380.
  84. Waldrop, Rosemarie. “Form and Discontent”. Diacritics 26.3-4 (1996): 54-62.
  85. Wanlin, Nicolas. “Littérature et peinture : de la méthode”. Fabula : la recherche en littérature. < >.
  86. Wright, Chris. “Portraits by Elsa on the Polaroid 20x24 camera”. Stuff Magazine Feb. 1999.