Les composés désadjectivaux

Aucun composé verbal désadjectival n’est répertorié dans les dictionnaires consultés. Une recherche sur Google et Google Book Search montre néanmoins que cette construction est attestée pour black and white et null and void :

‘“Well, I did it frame by frame in Photoshop, black and whited the whole image and then brought the color back in as needed with the history tool.” (Google)’ ‘“What I mean by this is that Shiri was a film along the lines of US blockbusters that relied on black-and-whitin g the North/South Korean conflict.” (Google)’ ‘“I know I shouldn’t be bothered by the fact that her new school starts two weeks earlier than the public school she would have attended, therefore null-and-voiding my visit.”, Sloppy Firsts, de Megan McCafferty, 2001, Three Rivers Press, p. 150.’ ‘“[...] James still held the contract that could have null-and-voided Dorsey’s deal.”, Joey the Hit Man: The Autobiography of a Mafia Killer, de Joey et David Fisher, 2002, Thunder’s Mouth Press, p. 152.’

Black and white et null and void sont tous les deux répertoriés en tant que composés bi-adjectivaux ; il est donc probable que la composition verbale désadjectivale n’est possible qu’en cas de conversion d’un composé bi-adjectival.