Annexe C :

Alsace-Lorraine : “Area of France on the German border, now divided into two administrative regions, Alsace and Lorraine. The area was disputed by France and Germany between 1871 and 1945.” (EWED)

ape-man : “A primate (as an australopithecine) intermediate in character between Homo sapiens and the higher apes.” (MWOD)

audiovisual : “Using both sight and sound, typically in the form of slides or video and speech or music.” (COEDCE2)

aural-oral : “Audio-lingual.” (RHUD)

bear cat / cat bear (= red panda = lesser panda) : “A reddish-brown, raccoonlike mam-mal, Ailurus fulgens, of mountain forests in the Himalayas and adjacent eastern Asia, subsisting mainly on bamboo and other vegetation, fruits, and insects, and reduced in numbers by collectors: now considered unrelated to the giant panda and usually classified as the sole member of an Old World raccoon subfamily, Ailurinae, which diverged from an ancestral lineage that also gave rise to the New World raccoons.” (RHUD)

bittersweet : “1. Sweet with an admixture or aftertaste of bitterness. 2. Agreeable or pleasant with an alloy of pain or unpleasantness.” (OEDO)

blue-green : “A color about midway between blue and green in the spectrum.” (RHUD)

blues-rock : “A blend of rock-’n’-roll and blues.” (RHUD)

broker-dealer : “A broker-dealer is an institution that has the ability to buy and sell securities for customers as well as for its own account. When executing trade orders on behalf of a customer, the institution is said to be acting as a broker. When executing trades for its own account, the institution is said to be acting as a dealer.” (WIKI)

bull terrier : “A dog that is a cross-breed of bulldog and terrier.” (COEDCE2)

bullmastiff : “Any of a breed of large powerful dogs developed by crossing bulldogs with mastiffs.” (MWOD)

camiknickers : “A woman’s one-piece undergarment which combines a camisole and a pair of French knickers.” (COEDCE2)

clock radio : “An electronic device that incorporates a digital clock, an alarm clock, and a radio.” (EWED)

cook-chill (A) : “Used to describe food that is cooked, packaged, and refrigerated, and then reheated before serving.” (EWED)

cook-chill (N) : “The method and any dish prepared by this method.” (WNMDE)

cupronickel : “A corrosion-resistant alloy of copper containing up to 40 percent nickel.” (EWED)

deaf-blind : “Having severely impaired hearing and vision.” (COEDCE2)

deaf-mute : “Unable to hear and speak.” (RHUD)

dinner dance : “A formal social gathering that includes a dinner followed by dancing.” (RHUD)

dive-bomb : “Bomb (a target) while diving steeply in an aircraft.” (COEDCE2)

drop-kick : “Drop and kick as it touches the ground.” (WN2.1)

enterocolitis : “Inflammation of both the small intestine and the colon.” (AHD4)

ferronickel : “A ferroalloy containing up to 45 percent nickel.” (RHUD)

ferrosilicon : “An alloy of iron and silicon containing 15 to 95 percent silicon and used for deoxidizing molten steel and making silicon steel and high-silicon cast iron.” (MWOD)

fighter-bomber : “A versatile aircraft capable of functioning as a fighter and a bomber.” (AHD4)

Finno-Ugric : “The major branch of the Uralic family of languages, subdivided into Finnic, which includes Finnish and Estonian, and Ugric, which includes Hun-garian.” (RHUD)

fluviomarine : “Relating to or being deposits, especially near the mouth of a river, formed by the combined action of river and sea.” (AHD4)

fly-drive (A) : “Describes a vacation or travel option that includes a flight and a rental car at the destination.” (EWED)

fly-drive (N) : “A fly-drive holiday.” (OALD7)

freeze-dry : “To preserve by rapid freezing followed by subjection to a high vacuum which removes ice by sublimation.” (COEDCE2)

fridge-freezer : “A refrigerator and a freezer contained as two separate cabinets in a single upright unit.” (EWED)

gentleman farmer : “1. A man whose wealth or income from other sources permits him to farm for pleasure rather than for basic income. 2. A man whose income from his farm has freed him from the necessity of physical labor.” (RHUD)

goat-antelope : “A mammal of a group including the chamois and musk ox, with characteristics of both goats and antelopes.” (COEDCE2)

gum resin : “A mixture of gum and resin that exudes from some plants or trees.” (AHD4)

hammer-axe : “A tool consisting of a hammer and an axe combined.” (OEDO)

happy-clappy : “Denoting an unrestrained type of Christian worship characterized by pop-style hymns and clapping in time with the music.” (PED)

Hindi-Urdu : “Hindi and Urdu, viewed as essentially the same language with respect to their grammar and core vocabulary, though widely divergent in their literary forms.” (AHD4)

hunter-gatherer : “A member of a nomadic people who live chiefly by hunting and fishing, and harvesting wild food.” (COEDCE2)

hunter-killer : “Of or pertaining to a combined naval air and fleet force operating to seek out and destroy enemy submarines.” (RHUD)

Indochina : “A peninsula of southeast Asia comprising Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thai-land, Myanmar (Burma), and the mainland territory of Malaysia. The area was influenced in early times by India (particularly the Hindu culture) and China.” (AHD4)

input/output : “The passage of information into and out of a computer, or the data that passes in and out.” (PED)

jazz-rock : “Music that blends jazz elements and the heavy repetitive rhythms of rock.” (AHD4)

judge advocate : “A staff officer designated as legal adviser to a commander and charged with the administration of military justice.” (RHUD)

lend-lease : “The act of leasing or lending American military supplies to foreign powers.” (Algeo 1993)

lunisolar : “Pertaining to or based upon the relations or joint action of the moon and the sun.” (RHUD)

manic-depressive : “Typical of or affected by bipolar disorder, a psychiatric disorder characterized by extreme mood swings, ranging between episodes of acute euphoria (mania) and severe depression.” (EWED)

medium-rare : “145°F-150°F on a meat thermometer.” (d’après HGKFT)

medium-well : “165°F-170°F on a meat thermometer.” (d’après HGKFT)

merchant adventurer : “A merchant engaged in the organization and dispatch of trading expeditions overseas, and the establishment of factories and trading stations in foreign countries. Hence : a member of an association of such merchants incorpo-rated by royal charter or other lawful authority.” (OEDO)

murder-suicide : 1. “A ‘kami-kaze’-like terroristic act where the perpetrator dies as a byproduct of this homicidal act.” (Palermo et al. 1997:374). 2. “An incident in which an offender takes his or her own life after having killed one or more victims, either immediately or within a very short period of time after the incident, normally no more than 24 hours.” (Carcach & Grabosky 1998:1)

musculoskeletal : “Relating to the musculature and skeleton together.” (COEDCE2)

obsessive-compulsive : “Relating to or characterized by recurring obsessions and compulsions especially as symptoms of a neurotic state.” (MWOD)

oral-formulaic : “Of or relating to poetry in which traditional material is improvised at each performance by using verbal formulas as an aid to memory.” (AHD4)

otolaryngology (= otorhinolaryngology) : “The branch of medicine that deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, and throat.” (AHD4)

owner-driver : “A motorist who owns the car that he/she drives.” (WN2.1)

owner-occupier : “A person who owns the house or flat in which they live.” (COEDCE2)

owner-operator : “1. A driver, especially of a truck or taxicab, who owns and operates a vehicle used to earn a living. 2. A person who both owns and operates a busi-ness.” (RHUD)

oxidation-reduction : “A chemical reaction in which one component loses electrons or is oxidized and another gains electrons or is reduced.” (EWED)

oxyacetylene : “A mixture of oxygen and acetylene, used in a blowtorch for cutting steel plates or the like.” (RHUD)

oxyhydrogen : “A mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, used in a blowtorch for welding steel plates or the like.” (RHUD)

palato-alveolar : “(Of a segment) Articulated with the primary constriction occupying a (typically extended) region between the alveolar ridge and the palate.” (Trask 1996)

pale-dry : “Light-colored and medium-sweet.” (RHUD)

panty girdle : “A tight piece of women’s underwear that combines knickers/panties and a girdle.” (OALD7)

pantyhose : “A one-piece, skintight garment worn by women, combining panties and stockings.” (RHUD)

pantywaist : “Formerly, a child’s undergarment consisting of short pants and a shirt that buttoned together at the waist.” (RHUD)

pass-fail : “Of, relating to, or being a system of grading in which a student simply passes or fails instead of receiving a traditional letter grade.” (AHD4)

passive-aggressive : “Being, marked by, or displaying behavior characterized by ex-pression of negative feelings, resentment, and aggression in an unassertive passive way (as through procrastination and stubbornness).” (MWOD)

penny-farthing : “An early type of bicycle with a very large front wheel and a small rear wheel.” (COEDCE2)

physicochemical : “Relating to both physical and chemical properties.” (AHD4)

player-manager : “A person who both plays in a sports team and manages it.” (COEDCE2)

polycotton : “A fabric that is made from a mixture of polyester fiber and cotton.” (EWED)

push-pull (A) : “Relating to or being an arrangement of two electronic circuit elements (as transistors) such that an alternating input causes them to send current through a load alternately.” (MWOD)

push-pull (N) : “Radio. A two-tube symmetrical arrangement in which the grid exci-tation voltages are opposite in phase.” (RHUD)

queen mother : “A dowager queen who is the mother of a reigning monarch.” (AHD4)

radio cassette / radio-cassette player : “A radio and a cassette player combined in a single, usually portable machine.” (EWED)

radio-phonograph / radio-gramophone : “Electronic equipment consisting of a combi-nation of a radio receiver and a record player.” (WN2.1)

read-write : “Capable of reading existing data and accepting alterations or further input.” (COEDCE2)

roll-on roll-off (A) : “Referring to a ferry in which vehicles are driven directly on at the start of the voyage and driven off at the end of it.” (COEDCE2)

roll-on roll-off (N) : 1. “A roll-on roll-off vessel, especially a ferry.” (EWED). 2. “A method of transport (as a ferry or train or plane) that vehicles roll onto at the beginning and roll off of at the destination.” (WN2.1)

sadomasochism : “Psychological tendency or sexual practice characterized by a combi-nation of sadism and masochism.” (COEDCE2)

Schleswig-Holstein : “1. Two contiguous duchies of Denmark that were a center of international tension in the 19th century. 2. A state of Northern Germany, including the former duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg and part of Schleswig.” (RHUD)

scrunch-dry : “To dry hair while squeezing it together tightly in your hand to add volume and create a natural curly style.” (EWED)

Serbo-Croatian : “A Slavic language spoken by about three-fourths of the population of Yugoslavia, usually written with Cyrillic letters in Serbia but with Roman letters in Croatia.” (RHUD)

seriocomic : “Both serious and comic.” (AHD4)

shabby-genteel : “Shabby but genteel.” (WBD)

sleep-walk : “To walk or perform other motor acts while asleep.” (AHD4)

sofa bed : “A sofa whose seat unfolds to form a bed.” (AHD4)

southeast : “The direction or point on the mariner’s compass halfway between due south and due east, or 135° east of due north.” (AHD4)

space-time : “A four-dimensional system consisting of three spatial coordinates and one for time, in which it is possible to locate events.” (EWED)

spatiotemporal : “1. Of, relating to, or existing in both space and time. 2. Of or relating to space-time.” (AHD4)

speaker-hearer : “A person regarded as a user of language.” (OEDO)

stir-fry : “To cook small pieces of food by stirring them together while rapidly frying them in hot oil.” (PED)

stop-go : “Alternating deliberately between discouragement and encouragement of economic demand so as to control inflation.” (EWED)

stop-start : “Continuously starting, stopping, and starting again.” (MEDAL)

stratocumulus : “A layer of cloud not flat enough to be called pure stratus by rising into lumps too irregular and not sufficiently rocky to be called true cumulus.” (<http: //> [page consultée le 5 mai 2006])

strip-search : “To compel somebody to undress completely while searching for concealed drugs, weapons, or contraband.” (EWED)

student-athlete : “A student-athlete is a student who is enrolled at a four year institution and whose enrollment was solicited by a member of the athletics staff or other representative of athletics interests with a view toward the student’s participation in the intercollegiate athletics program.” (< general/2004/compmainpage.asp > [page consultée le 5 mai 2006])

tarmacadam : “A mixture of broken stone and tar used for surfacing roads.” (EWED)

teeny-weeny : “Tiny.” (AHD4)

tie-dye : “Dye after knotting the fabric to produce an irregular pattern.” (WN2.1)

toxin-antitoxin : “A mixture of a toxin and its antitoxin in which the toxin is in slight excess, formerly used as a vaccine, for example, for diphtheria.” (EWED)

tractor-trailer : “A combination trucking unit consisting of a tractor hooked up to a full trailer or a semitrailer.” (RHUD)

transmitter-receiver : “An electronic device that transmits and receives communications signals.” (AHD4)

troutperch : “Either of two North American fishes having certain striking similarities to both the trouts and the perches.” (WBD)

two-up two-down : “A house with two rooms, usually bedrooms, upstairs, and two rooms, usually a living room and a dining room, downstairs.” (PED)

washer-dryer : 1. “A machine that both washes and dries clothes.” (EWED). 2. “A washer-dryer is a unit that contains two machines, one for cleaning clothes, sheets, etc., and another for drying them.” (CDAE)

win-win : “Of or being a situation in which the outcome benefits each of two often op-posing groups.” (AHD4)

wolf dog : “The hybrid offspring of a dog and a wolf.” (AHD4)

work-study : “Of, relating to, or being an academic program that enables high-school or college students to gain work experience and make money while continuing their studies.” (AHD4)