
Sources Primaires

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  3. ARGUELLES Jose and Miriam, Mandala, Boston and London, Shambhala, 1972
  4. BROWN Tom Jr., The Way of the Scout, New-York, Berkeley Books, 1995
  5. BUCKLAND Raymond, Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, Llewellyn Publications, St Paul, Minnesota, 2000 (1986)
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  7. CASTANEDA Carlos, The Teachings of Don Juan: a Yaqui way of knowledge, Ballantine Books, New York, 1968
  8. CHOPRA Deepak, The Way of the Wizard, New-York, Harmony Books, 1995; The Return of Merlin, New York, Ballantine Books, 1995
  9. CROWLEY Vivianne, Principles of Paganism, London; San Francisco: Thorsons, 1996
  10. EISEN Armand, Eve’s Wisdom : The Goddess Within, Kansas City: Anderws McNeel Publishing, 1999
  11. EMERSON Ralph Waldo, Emerson’s Prose and Poetry: Authoritative Texts, Contexts, Criticism, selected and edited by PORTE Joel and MORRIS Saundra, New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 2001
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  13. FOUNDATION FOR INNER PEACE (ed.), A Course in Miracles, New-York Coleman Graphics, 1975
  14. GAWAIN Shakti, Creative Visualization, Bantam Books, Toronto, New York, London, Sydney, Auckland, 1982 (1978)
  15. JUNG C. G., Modern Man in Search of a Soul, NY, Harcourt, 1950 (1933) (traduction: W.S. Dell & Cary F. Baynes); Man and His Symbols, Dell Publishing, New York, 1972 (1964)
  16. KRISHNAMURTI , Think on these Things, Ujai California, Krishnamurti Foundation of America, 1964
  17. Llewellyn Editorial Staff, The Truth about Crystal Healing, Llewellyn Publications, St Paul, Minnesota, 1986
  18. MACLAINE Shirley, Out on a Limb, Bantam Books, Toronto, New York, London, Sydney, Auckland, 1983
  19. MAHARISHI Mahesh Yogi, Transcendental Meditation, New York, New American Library, 1963
  20. MASLOW Abraham, Toward a Psychology of Being, Princeton, NJ, Van Nostrand Insight Books, 1962
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  22. MEHER BABA, Beams From MEHER BABA on the Spiritual Panorama, Harper & Row, New York, Evanston, San Francisco & London, 1971 (1958)
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  24. MOORE Thomas , Care of the Soul, New-York, HarperCollins, 1992
  25. PEALE Norman Vincent, Positive Thinking For A Time Like This, New York, Foundation for Christian Living, 1976
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  27. RAWLINSON Andrew, The Book of Enlightened Masters: Western Teachers in Eastern Traditions, Open Court, Chicago and La Salle, Illinois, 1997
  28. REDFIELD James, The Celestine Prophecy, New York, Warner Books, 1993
  29. SHLAIN Leonard, The Alphabet Versus The Goddess; The conflict between word and image, NY, London, Penguin, 1998
  30. SILVA Jose & MIELE Philip, The Silva Mind Control Method, London: Grafton Books, 1980
  31. STARHAWK, The Spiral Dance: A rebirth of the ancient religion of the great Goddess, HarperCollins, San Francisco, 1999 (1979)
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  33. THOREAU Henry David, Walden and Civil Disobedience, Barnes and Nobles, New York, 2003 (1854)
  34. WILLIAMSON Marianne, A Return to Love; Reflections on the principles of A Course in Miracles, New York, Harper Collins, 1992