Frontières paramétriques & transports urbains

  1. Dalen D. M. & Gómez- Lobo A. (2003), « Yardsticks on the road: Regulatory contracts and cost efficiency in the Norwegian bus industry », Transportation, 30, pp.371-386.
  2. Dalen D.M. & Gómez-Lobo A. (1996), « Regulation and Incentive Contracts: An Empirical Investigation of the Norwegian Bus Transport Industry », Working Paper N°96/8, Institute for Fiscal Studies.
  3. De Borger B., Kerstens K. & Costa A. (2002), « Public transit performance: what does one learn from frontier studies », Transport Reviews, 22(1), pp.1-38.
  4. Gagnepain P. & Ivaldi M. (2002), « Stochastic Frontiers and Asymmetric Information Models », Journal of Productivity Analysis, 18(2), pp. 145-159
  5. Matas A. & Raymond J-L. (1998), « Technical characteristics and efficiency of urban bus companies: The case of Spain », Transportation, 25, pp.243-263.
  6. Piacenza M. (2006) « Regulatory Contracts and Cost Efficiency: Stochastic Frontier Evidence from the Italian Local Public Transport », Journal of Productivity Analysis, 25(3), pp. 257-277.
  7. Sakano R. & Obeng K. (1995), "Re-examination of inefficiencies in urban transit systems: a stochastic frontier approach", Logistic and transportation review, 31, pp. 377-392
  8. Sakano R., Obeng K. & Azam G. (1997), « Subsidies and inefficiency: stochastic frontier approach », Contemporary Economic Policy, 15, pp. 113-127
  9. Viton P. (1997), « Technical Efficiency in Multi-Mode Bus Transit : A Production Frontier Analysis », Transportation Research B, 31, pp.23-39.