Annexe II
Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2004 (CIPS)
Source : National Statistics of Cambodia

Annexe II tableau 1: Marital Status by Sex for Population Aged 15 and more in Urban and Rural Areas, Cambodia, 2004
Annexe II tableau 1: Marital Status by Sex for Population Aged 15 and more in Urban and Rural Areas, Cambodia, 2004
Annexe II tableau 2 : Estimated Number Households and Household Population by Sex and Average Household Size by Total, Urban and Rural Areas, Cambodia, 2004
Annexe II tableau 2 : Estimated Number Households and Household Population by Sex and Average Household Size by Total, Urban and Rural Areas, Cambodia, 2004

* Refers to regular households only 
** Figure within brackets is the corresponding household size in 1998

Annexe II tableau 3: Annual Growth Rate of Population of Cambodia between 1998 and 2004
1. Population in 1998 (in million)
Enumerated population in the census 11.438
Add population under count of 1.78 per cent as per post enumeration survey of the 1998 Census 0.204
Add population in areas not covered by the census 0.045
Add Cambodian refugees in Thailand at census time 0.060
Total 1998 population 11.747
2. Population in 2004 according to CIPS (in million)
Estimated population in regular households based on survey 12.824
Add estimated population in institutional households/ homeless households/ other transient population (2.04 per cent of total population) 0.267
Total estimated population in 2004 13.091
3. Annual Growth Rate of Population 1998-2004 1.81%
Annexe II tableau 4: Educational Level Completed by Literate Population Aged 25 years and over, Cambodia, 2004
  Educational Level   Completed  Both Sexes  Males Females
Total               100.0                100.0              100.0
Pre school                  0.1                   0.1                 0.2
None                  4.3                   4.3                 4.3
Primary not completed                 54.0                 45.9               63.6
Primary                  23.7                 27.3               19.5
Lower secondary                 11.3                13.6                8.6
Secondary/diploma                  4.5                  6.0                2.6
Vocational training                  0.8                  1.0                0.6
Beyond secondary                  1.1                  1.6                0.5
Others                  0.2                  0.2                0.1
Annexe II tableau 5: Percentage Distribution of Employed Persons by Main Employment Status 
Annexe II tableau 5: Percentage Distribution of Employed Persons by Main Employment Status 
Annexe II tableau 6: Percentage of Migrants in each Migration Stream to Total Internal Migrants, Cambodia, 2004
Annexe II tableau 6: Percentage of Migrants in each Migration Stream to Total Internal Migrants, Cambodia, 2004
AnnexeII tableau 7: Education attainment for the population 25 and over by stratum.Percent
Educational attainment
Phnom Penh Other Urban Rural
No or only some
(not completed any grade)
11.4 25.6 36.1
Primary not completed
( grade 1-5)
25.9 31.8 37.6
Primary completed
( grade 6-8)
23.3 22.4 16.9
Lower secondary completed
( grade 9-11)
16.2 11.1 6
Upper secondary completed (Completed grade 12) 13.9 7 1.9
Post-secondary education
( higher)
8 1 0.2
Other 1.3 1.1 1.4
Total 100 100 100