iii) Théorie pénale

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  2. Box, Stephen, Box, Recession, Crime and Punishment, Londres, Macmillan, 1987.
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  5. *Cohen, Stanley et Scull, Andrew (éds.), Social Control and the State: Historical and Comparative Essays, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1983.
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  7. *Garland, David et Young, Peter, (éds.), The Power to Punish, Vermont, Ashgate, 1992.
  8. Hudson, Justice in the Risk Society : Challenging and Re-affirming Justice in Late Modernity, Londres, Sage, 2003.
  9. Hudson, Barbara A., Understanding Justice  : An introduction to ideas, perspectives and controversies in modern penal theory, Buckingham, OUP, 2003.
  10. Hughes, Gordon, Understanding Crime Prevention : Social control, risk and late modernity, Buckingham, Open University Press, 1998.
  11. Lea, John et Young, Jock, What is to be done about Law and Order ?, Londres, Pluto Press, 1993 [1984].
  12. *Muncie, John, McLaughlin, Eugene et Langan, Mary (éds.), Criminological Perspectives : A Reader, Londres, Sage, 1996.
  13. Reiner, Robert, « Order and Discipline », dans Holliday, Ian, Gamble, Andrew et Parry, Geraint (éds.), Fundamentals in British Politics, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1999, pp. 163-181.
  14. Rusche, George et Kirchheimer, Otto, Punishment and Social Structure, New Jersey, Transaction Publishers, 2003 [1939].