Contributions à des monographies

  1. Gabel D. (1998). The complexity of chemistry and implications for teaching. In Fraser B.J. & Tobin K.J. (Eds), International handbook of science education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluver Academic. P.223-248.
  2. Le Maréchal J.-F. (1999). Modelling student’s cognitive activity during the resolution of problems based on experimental facts in chemical education, in J. Leach and A.C. Paulsen (Eds). Practical work in science education.
  3. Wertsch. J.-V. (1985). La médiation sémiotique de la vie mentale : L.S Vygotsky et M.M.Bakhtine. In B. Schneuwly & J.P. Bronckart (Eds.). Vygotsky aujourd'hui, p. 139-168. Neuchâtel & Paris : Delachaux et Niestlé.