D) The Divine Couple: Rosmerta and Mercurius

In addition to the four dedications venerating her alone, Rosmerta is honoured in a significant number of inscriptions (twenty-five) with the Gallo-Roman god Mercurius in the north-east of Gaul and on the right bank of the Rhine valley.843 As regards the iconography, there are only two monuments combining a portrayal of the divine couple and a dedication identifying them. About forty other anepigraphic* reliefs* from the east and the centre of Gaul, representing Mercurius with a goddess of plenty, are generally interpreted as figurations of Mercurius and Rosmerta, but, as it will be argued, these attributions are uncertain and problematic, for Rosmerta does not distinguish herself in the iconography by typical attributes of her own. Moreover, Mercurius is a polyandrous god, partnered with other goddesses, such as Maia, Fortuna or Visucia, who, when depictions exist, bear the exact same Classical attributes of fertility as Rosmerta.


Paulys, vol. 1.A (1), pp. 1129-1146 ; RDG, p. 60 ; Delamarre, 2007, p. 155 ; Hatt, MDG 2, pp. 182, 187, 205.