Publications et Communications orales

Publications :

  1. Joshi S., Bellet T., Banet A., Rossger L., Turetschek C., Risser R., Golias Y., Yannis G., Spyropoulou I., Carvalhais J., Leden L., Vazek J., Delahaye A., Roebroek H., Underwood G., Humphrey K. (2010). Delivrable 7 Projet 2BESAFE “Understanding risk taking behaviour within the context of PTW riders: A report on rider diversity with regard to attitudes, perceptions and behavioural choices”. Disponible en ligne :
  2. Bellet T., Banet A., Paris J.C., Joshi S., Turetschek C., Spyropoulou I., Carvalhais J., Underwood G. (2010). Delivrable 16 Projet 2BESAFE “A common video-based method for investigating motorcyclists risk awareness across Europe”. Disponible en ligne :
  3. Bellet T., Bailly-Asuni, B., Mayenobe P., Banet A. (2009). A theoretical and methodological framework for studying and modelling drivers’ mental representations. Safety Science, 47, pp. 1205–1221.
  4. Banet A., Bellet T. (2009). Attitudes face aux risques et à la prise de risque : étude comparative chez différentes populations de motocyclistes, pp. 191-217, Actes INRETS N°122: Les deux-roues motorisés : nouvelles connaissances et besoins de recherches. Coordination scientifique : Pierre Van Elslande.
  5. Banet A., Bellet T. (2008). Risk awareness and criticality assessment of driving situations: a comparative study between motorcyclists and car drivers. IET Intelligent Transport Systems Journal, Vol. 2, 4, pp. 241-248.