4. Rapports, actes de colloques et notes de cours et séminaires

  1. Daily Nation Newspaper, Tourists Viewing Game to Pay More, Friday September 7, 2007a.
  2. Daily Nation Newspaper, Tanzanian Project that Could Wipe out Kenya’s Flamingoes, July 7, 2007b.
  3. Daily Nation Newspaper, Shocking Game Losses in Mara, April 23, 2009a.
  4. Daily Nation Newspaper, Alarm as 15.000 Children Lured into Prostitution, May 24, 2009c.
  5. Daily Nation Newspaper, Hoteliers’ Blatant Disregard of Law puts Mara Ecosystem at Risk, February 18, 2010.
  6. Kenya Government of, Economic Survey 2001, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Nairobi, 2000.
  7. Kenya Government of, Kakamega District Development plan 2002-2008, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Nairobi, 2002a, 82 p.
  8. Kenya Government of, National Development Plan 2002-2008, Effective Management for Sustainable Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Nairobi, 2002b.
  9. Kenya Government of, Statistical Abstract 2006, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Nairobi, 2006.
  10. Kenya Government of, Economic Survey 2006, Government printers, Nairobi, 2007a, 20 p.
  11. Kenya Government of, Kenya Vision 2030: A competitive and a Prosperous Kenya, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Nairobi, 2007b.
  12. Kenya, Government of, Statistical Abstract 2008, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Nairobi, 2008.
  13. Kenya Government of, Economic Survey 2009, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2009.
  14. Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis, Kenya Economic Report 2009, Building a globally Competitive Economy, KIPPRA, Nairobi, 2009, p 233.
  15. Kibicho, W., Dewailly, J., Succès et Echecs de Projets Touristiques dans le Développement Touristiques de Communautés Locale. Examples Kenyans. 30e Congrès, Glasgow, 15-20 août 2004.
  16. Kiessling, W.J., People – Park Relationship in Kakamega Forest and Perspectives for a Future Conservation Strategy, Nairobi, 1991 (unpublished work) – A Preliminary report completed under support from the UK Oversees Development Administration.
  17. KIFCON, Kenya Indigenous Forest Conservation Program, Phase 1 Report, Regal Press, Nairobi, February 1994.
  18. KTB, Overview of Tourism Performance in 2007, Speech by Dr. Ongong’a Achieng during 2007 end year tourism performance media briefing on 6th of Feb at KTB boardroom.
  19. KWFT, A Dialogue of the Kenya Wildlife Fund Trustees During their Conservation Field Trip to the Proposed KFNR in the Western Province from 23 rd to 26 th September 1984, 106 p.
  20. KWS, Kakamega Forest Participatory Management Plan, 2005-2015, Zero Draft.
  21. KWS (site web), Incidences of Poisoning of Vultures and Lions in Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya Wildlife Service Veterinary Report, May 2009.
  22. Moisy, L., Le Mans au Début du XX e Sciecle : Analyse d’un Tentative de Mise en Tourisme, dans Sacareau, I., Vacher, L., dir., Actes des XXVII e Journées de la Commission National des Géographie du Tourisme et des Loisirs ; 3-4-5 mai 2000, p 49-60.
  23. OMT, Le Tourisme et la Réduction de la Pauvreté, Madrid, OMT, 2002a, 123 p.
  24. Saiwa Swamp Ecosystem Integrated Management Plan, unpublished work, 2000-2007, 62 p.
  25. UICN, Lignes Directrices pour les Catégories de Gestion des Aires Protégées. Commission des Parcs Nationaux et des Aires Protégées de l’Union Mondiale pour la Nature, avec l’Assistance du Centre Mondial de la Surveillance Continue de la Conservation, 1994,102 p.
  26. Wishitemi, B.E.L, Sustainable Community-Based Conservation and Tourism Development Adjacent to Protected Areas in Kenya, Moi University inaugural Lecture 5 series n° 3, 2008, p 137.
  27. Wishitemi, B., Okello, M., Odiara, B., Development of Sustainable Community Based Tourism at Saiwa Swamp National Park, Kenya, in Marjolein, K., René van der Duim (eds)., Aspects of Tourism in Kenya, thematic proceedings of ATLAS Africa Conferences Volume 3, 2007, p 83-91.
  28. World Resource Institute; Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Kenya; Central Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Planning and National Development, Kenya; International Livestock Research Institute, Nature’s Benefits in Kenya, An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being, World Resources Institute, Washington, DC and Nairobi, 2007, p 141.